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Editing - rough draft

Code Blue

too close to the forest to see the trees
to cross the I's and dot the T's
better forget the edit
and call the medic

prep and get him in a gown
going to have to remove a noun
and maybe put in a verb
if it fails, it's out to the curb

It's a dire situation
can't find any punctuation
the spelling and bad grammar
throw this writer in the slammer

the right diagnose is slim
the prognoses is grim
FLAT LINE OOPS! I hit delete
OH! well, nurse, let's eat

A long string of horseshit poems

when you're just not
inspired that much
or just writing
out of obligation
one tends to just
produce junk
worthless crap

like the poem before
and the one before that

But hell, who's perpetually
hooked into the muse
or always obsessed
with perfection
and finely tuned in

Writing these things they call poems
is just an outlet
for the flow of substandard
that makes up
almost all of my
inventive thinking

less is more

It got me thinking
make more out of less

like a good omelet
eggs, bacon, cheese
thats all

I bought a cheesecake
the other day
and I have eaten
most of it
no fruit compote
or sauce at all
it's delicious

then there's
my favorite sport
a simple game
offensive plan
put the puck in their net
defenseive plan
keep the puck out
of our net


Watching the floating leaves in fall
touch down gently upon the earth
they seem to cover its naked form
in a blanket of heavy emotion...

Caressing the simmering earth below
they clutch to its passionate warmth
till the whisper of a brewing breeze
scatters them to spread their charm..

Strewn along in a pattern so rich
woven with golden silken streams,
the earth below now comes alive
as tender love within it sprouts...

My Little Red Caboose

she's my little red caboose
her windows a little loose
tucked away under a tin shed
white lattice trim, a coat of red

an old relic of the past
was built to last
real wood is a beauty of mine
my mobile home enduring time

nestled under pine trees
on a hill to catch the breeze
over looking Toledo Bend lake
you'll find me taking a break

from my many repairs
giving up in despair
I'll just cast a line
oh! this life of mine

A Ruby In My Shoe

resplendence dances before sleep
as does the north side of night
a wind
blowing backward
a ruby in my shoe

boggled eyes patently dismiss
for rocks are hard, water wet
and yet,
a tumbleweed mumbles
a ruby in my shoe

have no doubt
it can be as such
prove otherwise
I'll tell you "not true"

yes, It's better
not to remember
but so much sadder
...a ruby in my shoe

Blood on the Snow

“Blood on the Snow”

The lingering sorrow.
Gun blue eyes
In a moment
When time dared not breathe,
Just blossoming,
Love lies bleeding
Ever steady
Softly cocked,
I am felled.

*Love Lies Bleeding is also a flower also know as: Amaranths



Ere tis too late
Meet me
At the place,
Where the day meets
The darkness of night
But ere

Meet me at the sunset
The sunrise meet
Yes ere

Meet me when lust
Love conjoin
Ok ere.

Meet me when the
Sperm and ovum greet
Yeah, ere

But do meet me some where
No one can see us together
That’s nowhere!

Carnal Grin

Carnal grin , a sensuality
that makes me sin.
Out of control

A one to one connection
As I crave the warmth of your skin
Melt down.

Two bodies melding,
pulsating, undulating
as one.

Sample and savour,
I long to drink you in,
for a physical reaction. 



The masks we wear, to us are given,
assigned to us before our cue.
The choice is ours to reveal or hide-
A grand charade with many a clue.

Would you be this or be you that;
Is it surfaced or is it hidden?
Not all secrets are lies or deceit,
Our view of others we must widen.

The genuine heart will itself reveal
Its spots or stripes are where they're at.
The lot of what we think we see,
provide but circumstantial caveat.


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