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Editing - draft

Bundle of Joy

My heart’s found joy
That lines this day
My baby boy
Is awake to play
God bless this child, forever love
We seek your protection from above
Ten tiny fingers
Touch the sky
Ten little toes
Kick mommy’s thigh
Days sing your youth, may you be spared
The years of truth, adults have beared

The Iron Landlady

Between the slats of slab huts
Corrugations of tin through time
Roughly formed chimneys
And the sun in decline

I spy her, though not as planted voyeur
But, quite by accident
In the confines of tangle iron sheds
Looking for all things that define

The sharpness, her edge, just
The right tool for the job
In some dwindling corner
Before it turns to rust

Thus her labours can patch up
Once more with twine, a crack or a gape
In the ageless shadows that define
This house, she will never leave

The Web.

The slow progression of a spider
up the dusted window pane
hauling his booty lady bug
pre-cocoon, and way too large
She resists this tiny spindly vein

Hard to focus on the brilliant phosphate
green of all that lies beyond my hand
hard to see the hills and rust sheds
making up this silent land

All I can focus on, is this
struggle in minutiae, nature’s hand
all that life is, and seems to be
is bundled up in its webbing strands

Slant rain on a Wednesday

I turn off the radio's tin clatter voices
they detract from the matter at hand
which is here, like a mandated choice
that knocks you sideways with a command

That tells of winds immaterial source
and drives the arrows of searching rain
into a long dry land, riven
from the sobriety of a dry course

The rain, blast aslant by the bellow of spring,
its first longing chant, in retreat, the winter wind
I watch as it transcribes buildings dry wood grey
into soaking red brown blocks, the droplets impale.

Deja vue...

There, there it is again
A place in time, I'd touched before
Where, where in when, I'd been again?
I reached for it, trying to touch once more

Just out of my grasp, the feeling swayed
None else it could have been
The thought, indeed that it was played
But, I didn't know it then.

Nature's Eternal Struggle

Lilting, harmonic
A light tune plays near
Tilting, demonic
The chords twist, shatter my ear

Two sides of the same coin
Fire battles frost
They turn, fuse and join
One defeats the other, and lost

Which will prevail?
Light, or shadows?
Like metal without the nail
Like grass without the meadows

A neverending circuit
A sphere without edges
Emerald bushes were cut
By the gardener, the hedges


The night is dark and full of Terrors
Spreads the mischief of darkness
You that harbour evil and cast
Away light even with it's regal position
Even The Shadow's are frightened!

Evil you hold dear
You pushed The Stars far away
And evil deeds you embrace!
Your presence be felt everywhere.

Reveal yourself and let
Light take darkness as it's protege.

a conversation with my dog

Can I be your dog,dog?
I will protect us on a jog, jog,
I will be your friend,
and embarrass you to no end.

I will be your dog, dog,
I will tangle your feet, for a spill,
as we roll down the hill,
I will bark to tell you off,
I will keep my hair nice and soft.

Can I be your dog, dog,
I will tangle your feet for a spill,
as we roll together down the hill,
I will bark at you to tell you off,
I will keep my hair nice and soft.


The burn fires of corpses litter the road like refuse
Competing with the inferno on buildings
A juxtaposition of evil
Reminds me of a black sabbath
A demonic Guy Fawkes Night
A ghostly spectacle
Fills me with terrors of hell
The tremors of a child trapped in a well.

Break of Dawn.

It was but 'A Midsummer's Night Dream',
Of my lover and I in warm embrace,
But before our lips could meet,
Or become acquainted,
The envious Sun parted us with its piercing rays,
I awoke from the dream suppressing a scream,
Pacing lifelessly,
All I had was the whisper of your name
Sung by the sympathetic wind to my ear,
I called your name Ife, Ife,
The heir,
To the throne of my heart.


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