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Editing - draft

Pain Lessons

2:00 A.M., woken, rain,
pain and stiffness, bothersome,
heartbeat trying to keep time with the night stand clock,
or to the steady drip of rain from a leaking eavestrough.
so much noise!
i can't determine which sound was winning the race,
rain slows, drip slows, heart beats, beat, beat,
clock ticks, ticks ticks,
pain requires a shift and subsides,
rain stops, but the drip carries on,
drip, drip, drip, but slows to a slow drip,
the heartbeat slows,
the clock ticks on,

You'll Put Your Eye Out... February Contest

Target practice; not supposed to be me
Paper circles in back of the house
Birthday boy, reloading after a win
Bang! Someone punched me in the eye

Walking to Catherine's house
I'm afraid the party's off
She faints and brother Johhny says;"Shit!"
Fast ride to the hospital

Walking, reaching and touching
Was a relearning experience
Not always good
Like a newborn doing small steps

The Promise...

Fathers from the stars
The chaos of your arrival
Will you depose our graven images?
Surely you will be hated

The masses are angry
Held in contempt by the powers
Unaware to the end
Angels are real and here

Ancient legends believed at last
Science catches up
Acuality, reality painted and carved
Seeing is believing

Slave labor made to order
Thou shalt have no others before me
Knowledge is power
Cursed and deported

Teacher teacher

Small hands reach for sky
Kindergarten "oo's" and "ah's"
Absorb books and toys


That feeling deep inside that's hidden by a simple side smile
the one you try to make last awhile the one
that you feel deep in your gut and the deeper you cut feels harder to reach for
to make those feelings slide deep away in a place you cant feel anymore because in your loneliness when you push so far inside you feel comforted by yourself and the reason you feel comforted is because in the end the only person you can count on is you
the only person who wont give up on you, is you.

Stag Night

The nights are long, and the days are short now
While winter winds echo across the land
Tonight the king will return as is planned
With a frosty touch on a silent bough
There by the fire I chant the sacred words
Amid inky sigils and corvine birds
And the gods of Sun return to my heart
If winter should bring yet more ice and snow
In their blessed warmth and love I will stand
A warrior touched by the ancient hand
To see their magic in the arcane glow
That carries the soul as the long nights drag


An expected visitor vying to hold
what's become of vixen lady, once gold
stronghold to emotions eerily grasped
a fool lady, cradling anxietys baby

Punctured armor protecting what's prudent
strength: slowly surfacing after suffocation
visitors back: bearing the blatant truth
vixen ladys companion vanished her youth

It sucked her dry with internal despair,
a well so deep with no water to hold
she longs youths return, in tighter clothes
no companion in sight, worries yet unknown


Waiting in the still interior:
A bulwalk against sleet grey
You are busy, or idle inferior
While indifferent nature preys

On all that flies, crawls or floats
And the concert of life continues
Against all the pale clear notes
Of an echo of rain that issues

From a rust iron sky, which creaks
And waits to break into something
That pitters or patters finding leaks
On innumerable sheds that ring

No Feet...

I saw a man that had no feet
So I wanted to lend him a hand
but he said; "No thanks
I already have two"

I told him I thought
it was funny he could make
a joke about having no feet
He said; "I never joke about that"

"I did think it was strange
you offered to lend me a hand
when I already have two
and I really need some feet"

Paper Trails...

I have ridden the paper trail once more
The scenery is just as gorgeous as it ever was
The sands of time have drifted over the pathway
But the shadows of yesterday, are marked
by dead branches and scuffles in the dirt

Nowhere is there a sign, that says this way
The distant mountains yet to climb, were so far away
Now they loom ever closer and seem insurmountable
I will plod on through the sad times and bad weather
The mud that sucks at my soul cannot stop me


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