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Editing - draft


I gazed at the hole
Deep in the ground
End so unclear
Yet secrets to be found

I inch closer
Curiosity,peering near
Longing uncover what lies beneath
Answers so unclear

Nosiness got the best of me
I tripped over my mind
Into the hole I fell
Answers soon to find

But I never hit the bottom
For enternity I fell
A never ending spiral
Yet enchanting like a spell

And as I peered below me
Amazement I did find
For beneath me
My reflect did hide

Stale Biscuits

I'm so boringly over
hyped hoopla around new fashion
like patent leather,
or shark skin spray

If you do fall prey,
scuff that sheen right away.
Sooner than later
you'll be as dusty as the Mojave anyway.
Might as well get a jump on
being passe,
out of date,
so... yesterday.

face it
embrace it

the only trend I follow these days
is to keep on getting older


Lady In Red

hot blooded
swirls and whirls
snippy snaps
piss and vinegar

Lady In Blue

aloof and cool
smooth and demure
wooing coos
cotton candy liqueur

Lady In Beige

meek and mild
nonplussed and unfazed
a smile is reply
warm caramel glaze

Lady In Pink

hot to trot
Marilyn's daze
wispy sighs
a sparkling flambe

Lady In White

prim and proper
regal and stately
bright and refined
a dainty French pastry

Lady In Black

Against All Odds

goddamn fly
tormenting me for hours
in the likes of a post-modern drama

"you're ruining my life" I cried
with all the histrionics
of a possessed James Dean

"I'm on the verge of something special.
quit messing with me"

the fly continued buzzing
like a fighter pilot
I flailed and swatted
like a squirmy little girl

"I hate you, really, really hate you"

I had now become as pouty as
a petulant princess


he rode roughshod over language
pc coppers on his trail
he never flinched
or gave an inch
yet lived to tell this tale

I walked into a bar
sat next to a midget injun
I said "howdy"
He said "how"

a big fat hill-billy broad
stood behind the bar
the injun said "don't get any ideas,
that's my squaw"
I nodded, said ok

Fledgling flight.

When her flight clicks to a shut
Worm clutched
The chorus begins, that pronounces:
“Bring it in, in bring in!”
I am the more worthy,
I am the greater to sing
Out of this cacophony of chirrups
To me, to ME, you bring!

Survival is by numbers,
And those that sing their loudest worth;
Gain the fatter worms
Drawn out of the earth,
Arched across the sky in
A perpetual evolutionary flight,
By those who will soon outlive
Their wings.

Leave Me Alone...

I wish the trees would keep their leaves
Then I could keep my cool
For raking leaves and bagging them
Is a job made for a fool

It never ends, there's always more
The trees hold them until tomorrow
Just when you think you have them all
You need the rake that's borrowed

Pile them high, great big heaps
The second time today
Come back from lunch to bag them up
Had to chase the kids away

A reflection

A reflection of mind
Dare you look at the reflection
Of that gaping mouth
That gave forth truths

Sometimes cruel words
Crossed those aged teeth
Glowing sickly yellow
Where bleeding gums
Had lost interest in their use

How strained bloodshot eyes
Strained against old dirty bulbs
Clad in cheap fragile glass
Where flys had deficated with ease

Electricity flickered irritatingly
Screaming at modern tubes
Lost in time their story of saving
What is this Martian landscape

On tide slowing time.

Webbing the worlds of threading tides
we watched as the rocks exploded
with a thousand shards of diamonds
ignition by virtue of a sun ripe sky

You sat on rocks, I pondered pools
the blue green azure, pure jewels
of millennia formed, layered and hewn
rocks the might of sea could not belie

All the sun day long, I wished
that this would last an eternity
and the sea would blast, and the sea
would seethe and sigh, while all above us
endless light, where birds climbed

Smile Yes All must (Modern Poetry is?)

Brevity and Essence
of conveyance
makes modern poetry

A poem
shot out like an arrow
to shoot the moon
as did the ancients
well just imagine
what will modern humans
to bring down the sun

You are very lucky today
at least one
could pass your way
be enlightened
surely you may
as along the pathway
you sway


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