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Icarus and Me

Maybe I have flown too close to the sun
I never know when to stay and when to run.
Like Icarus, I wear the clouds as my crown.
Don’t get too close, for I will fall and drown.
Under the ocean, I am one with the waves
Swimming deep down under, lost in the caves
I try to surface but to no avail
I try to swim but I can only flail.
Jagged edges cut me, sharp pieces of shells
I thought I was in heaven, but this is hell.
I scream but all that comes out is bubbles
I am alone and surrounded by troubles.
I want to be free, to fly up to the sun
I wish this was over, how soon ‘til it’s done?
Finally, I wash back up on the sand
But I’m still not happy, sky’s better than land
I fasten my wings and soar to the sky
As brash as Icarus, I don’t think I’ll die.
But the wax starts to melt, and I start to fall,
I truly am no better than them all.
So this is the tale of Icarus and me,
If you want it all, you’ll never be free.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
Opt-in: Neopoet AI will critique your poem.


The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

Your poem "Icarus and Me" beautifully captures the theme of ambition and the consequences of reaching too high. The imagery of flying too close to the sun like Icarus and then sinking into the depths of the ocean is vivid and evocative. The internal struggle of wanting freedom but facing challenges and ultimately realizing the limitations is effectively portrayed. The use of symbolism with the wings and the wax melting adds depth to the narrative. Consider refining the structure of the poem to enhance the flow and impact of each stanza. Additionally, exploring different poetic devices such as metaphors or varying rhyme schemes could further enrich the poem. Overall, your piece delves into a timeless theme with a unique perspective.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

you’ve done it again!! blown my mind with your extravagant poetry and beautiful use of words. my my my!! you should feel so proud!
thanks for sharing!!!


Thank you so much for your kind words! Your everlasting support means more to me than you could imagine. I wish you the best!!


the moon and the stars made us who we are <3

author comment

This is really good I love especially the ending.

Thank you for your comment!!


the moon and the stars made us who we are <3

author comment

Having had a touch of something nasty these past few days, glad to get rid of it. i'm only just getting to catch up on poems here. I enjoyed this but i'm getting very picky now, particularly when i see, what I consider true talent. I feel it could have been much tighter and a use of more descriptive words. Would it offend you if I told you how I see the first few lines. I hope not, so here goes.
Maybe I fly too close to the sun;
Don't know when to stay, don't know when to run.
Like Icarus wearing clouds as my crown
Don't get too close, I'll fall and drown.
In tideless depths I'm one with the waves
Fathoms down, lost in caves.
I should add that in the time I have been here This is the first time I have felt to really comment on a work. Please take that as a compliment. Alex

I had noticed that you had been less active on here, so glad to hear you’re feeling better!! I appreciate your critiques/edits, I definitely agree with you that my work does not always have as advanced of a vocabulary as it should. I appreciate you pushing me to become a better writer, I take it as a compliment!! I feel as though you see my full potential as a poet and truly want me to live up to it. Again, thank you for your comment and I’m so glad you’re feeling better!!


the moon and the stars made us who we are <3

author comment
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