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Glass Heart

I think I have a glass heart,
You see every secret it holds.
You watch as the blood pumps in and out
As it races faster when you kiss my lips.

You know exactly what to say to make it speed up
Or how to make it stop beating so fast.
You hold my glass heart in your hands
As if it is the most precious gem you could find.

Will you wear it on a chain?
Let my heart rest next to yours
So that when we are apart,
A piece of us will always be together.

I think I have a glass heart,
And you have patched up every chip.
You clean off every smudge
And ensure the cracks don’t bleed.

I think I have a glass heart,
But the love inside is nothing but natural.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Glass Heart" utilizes a strong central metaphor, the "glass heart", to explore the themes of vulnerability, intimacy, and love. The metaphor is well-developed throughout the poem, with the poet providing various images that expand on the idea of the heart as a fragile, transparent object.

However, the poem could benefit from a more varied use of language. The phrase "I think I have a glass heart" is repeated three times, which may be intended for emphasis, but it risks becoming redundant. It might be more effective to introduce variations on this phrase or to explore other metaphors that could add depth to the poem's central theme.

The poem also seems to rely heavily on telling rather than showing. For instance, the line "You know exactly what to say to make it speed up" tells the reader about the speaker's experience rather than showing it through concrete imagery or action. This could be reworked to show the reader the specific words or actions that affect the speaker's heart.

The poem's rhythm and structure could also be improved. The lines vary widely in length and rhythmic pattern, which can disrupt the flow of the poem. Establishing a more consistent rhythm could enhance the poem's musicality and emotional impact.

Lastly, the poem's exploration of its central theme could be deepened. The metaphor of the glass heart is intriguing, but the poem could delve further into the implications of this metaphor. For example, what does it mean for the speaker to have a heart that is visible, fragile, and in the hands of another? How does this affect the speaker's experience of love and intimacy? Exploring these questions could add complexity and depth to the poem.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

Another good read though pruning, without losing any of the sense or meanings would make the lines tighter and the flow improve. Alex

I will definitely see where I can fix some stuff up!! Thank you for reading :)


the moon and the stars made us who we are <3

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