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Beautiful World

I am not religious,
But sometimes I see God swaying between palm trees,
Long robes flapping along to The Beatles at sunset.

I see Him in the way the boy in my math class always holds the door,
And in the way my friends shoes always match her outfits.
I see Him in the tiny miracles, the quick glances between people.

I see Him in the small shy smile when two lovers eyes meet,
I see Him on the dance floor of a country bar, smiling wide and
stomping His cowboy boots to a Tim McGraw song.

I hear Him in the gentle lullaby of water against sand,
Taste Him in my mothers homemade cranberry orange bread;
I feel Him in the wind, powering my sails and tangling my hair.

I see Him in my high school class pictures, standing tall and awkward,
Almost hidden behind acne-covered faces in the back.
I hear Him in sweet laughter, and see Him in my sister’s smile.

I am not a religious person.
I have never been to church, and will likely never go.
But when I look out my window, I see some sort of god,
A figure explaining the beauty I am lucky to know.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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is not my forte, and I have no way to give any advice about how you might make this better. I do understand the basic thought behind this piece. It is hard to look at the world and see so many perfect things, that almost defy the imagination, when it comes to perfection. Perfection is what we expect from an all-seeing-caring, powerful god. I marvel every day at things that might seem trivial to some people. Why do things happen the way that they do? Can it be that there is some infinite intelligence, that guides the world and us to what is good for us? I guess that we will never know, until we pierce that cloud
of the beyond. Good work in getting the idea across, ~ Geez.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

thank you so much geezer!! i always appreciate your kind comments!!


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