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awake in the night
the voices real
the heart rush
from the fall
a nocturn moment
full of its characters
and people
the parking lot
lit up like a needle
or purity
silver tipped
to rid the heart
of infection of

Editing stage: 


the scene and the innuendo of religion being a cure for the evils of this world. But knowing you and your work, I suspect that there is more going on here than one sees at first. I'm not sure of what your beliefs are by any means, but I feel that you were at least implying that if one were to follow the tenets of most organized religion, that there would be a lot less evil in this world. I agree. ~ Gee
P.S. Did you mean [or] or [of]?

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

going through yet more..but more accustomed now
age....routine and the random madness that just prys your
fingers from the wheel no matter what..

wasnt like God shall cure me ..I know that if Im open
it will happen....Ive been there before
the steeple reference was the reversal to the drugs
madness..going off scripts..
IVs to wash the system
administer help
wards to get sleep back food in
meds in observation
and release

coping mech was the thoughts in my head
and it was a beautiful day
double expresso...the rain parted
the clouds were scattered
and the cross on this was was brilliant
on others its just a needle or point
and I remember all the times I had
needles into me..and not from
addiction in that manner
but how if it were
a corrupt poetic imagery
how some view morphine and
narcotics as their religious
but of course not
the false dawn

im doing well...
for the most

but that U for the comment

ur Friend Esker!

author comment

there was more than what I saw at first glance, but I was in mind of the quote; "Religion is the opiate of the masses". Or some such thing. Not sure of the personage that made that statement, but that is the general idea of it. Always your friend,~ Gee

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

where my heads been....
heart somewhere else lately...

author comment
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