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drape me
in folds of night
sequined with
shimmering stars
in my hand place
a cosmos flower
on my head place
a nebula veil

let my coffin be
made of moon-dust
and my pillows
be rippling clouds
tear new holes
in the firmament
so that I can
see on down

tell the future
I could not wait
I have morphed
and moved ahead
when darkness
starts its breaking
celebrate life
for I am not dead

greeting the universe
I'll show them
the beauty and wonder
meld with my eyes
I'll tell them of love
and compassion
and of the hearts
filled passion and fire

finally when lighting
the pyres
to return my body
to ash
don’t hold me one
last time
for my darlings I'm
coming back

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
I am not sure where all this came from its been playing in my head for a little while and in the last week it demanded to be written...I am quite well so if any of my friends worry about my past battle with leukemia there is nothing to worry about its just a piece I had to write...
Editing stage: 


Nice choice of words to indicate transition of soul into the universe and also the human wish for after life in the closing lines...

you have a long time still to live and publish those poems and to read them out to your kids and their kids don't jump the gun as yet :)

much love and hugz...

raj (sublime_ocean)

I must have had some forewarning because I had a small accident and that's the reason for my absence, this poem has played in my head for a while now and the other week it came to fruition, I am so happy you liked it and I have to say I like it myself, I don't always like my poems but this one is close to my heart

I don't plan on going anywhere soon but I do plan to be more careful lol take care my friend

much love and hugs Jayne x

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

author comment

good to know you have recovered from some accident and hope you are fine better take best care of yourself Jayne...

much love n hugz...

raj (sublime_ocean)

:) I am doing the best I can :)

much love and hugs Jayne x

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

author comment

serendipity my poem of death of the stars quill and yours have a striking resemblance just that i used more African imagery like a cock because here cocks crow to wake us up, i loved your poem it really is to the soul but don't worry we all on neo-poet are the best poets left in mankind

I wake up to a crowing cock everyday, he lives across the road from me and never fails to wake me up though I have to say I don't always get up lol some nights when the cock crows I am just going to bed from a night of writing I am a night bird, I will take a look when I get time and read your poem of the stars quill... thank you for the wonderful comment I am very happy you liked it

love Jayne x

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

author comment

a peaceful transcendence....the rest...nice clothes..satin pillows..face made done up...a beautiful long black or white or burgundy car....lillies and flowers and parlours for gathering to weep and say goodbye....say some beautiful things...preserved forever in photos elvis and micheal jackson and amy the evening and morning i think of heaven waking up with its angels...the first rays striking are the most beautiful....that warmth..and at dusk..when they leave..that chill cold like death on the flesh....but darkness and stars..the twilight zone of hereafter......a beautiful poem jayne..thank you..

There is a silent beauty in death I have seen such a thing, I don't see death necessarily as the end I don't believe in THE god per see but I do believe in something which for me is hard to put into words, death should not be a ugly moment its our last moment on the physical earth so I think if we choose to be dressed in stars or rainbows that's how our loved ones should see us, at our very best even if its only for that small moment in time, I am so very happy you liked it and thought it beautiful that's the best compliment I could hope for.

love Jayne

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

author comment

a prism causes light to shift
into what it truly is..
most people are happy with just light..
just light is okay..

but some are happy with the purity of

your poems are like shows i read about
from the eighteen fave time
harsh as it was..

entertainment before radio or tv
performers on stage in the lamplight
in evenings when the work was done
the performance and delivery of lines
the oration and enunciation

the color of life beyond the rather
harsh existance then
a magical time
to sit for a show..

your poems are like this for me
my view of the world ..
how i handle it is rather coarse
and primitive...provincial at best..
but reading your poetry
in its flair
its bravado is satisfying
and softens my savage breast..

thank you...

i too believe in more then the mere
this and that
and i like your take in your comment
thank you
Ms Jayne!

I was born a century too late I am afraid, I love the shadowy mystery of the Victorian times there was so much going on under the surface I would have loved to have lived it, I love technology but I could easily live without it :)

there is an essence of otherworldliness in this poem even I sensed it as I wrote it, weird the feelings that can come from writing, it is its own drug.

Its so pleasing to know that my poetry brings something to you :) that's a beautiful compliment, thank you.

love Jayne x

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

author comment

and envious of your writing skills now, Jayne...You spin visions of abstract beauty in your words in each of your poems that at times i wonder where on earth did you get your inspirations.sorry, i know you say don't ask but i can't help it. If only I have even half of your talent, Angel, I'll be so happy, I think I'll cry tears of joy. Good job as usual. Keep writing...


I have been told by someone much better educated than I that some of my poetry has a surrealist bent to it this one is such a poem I think, I don't know exactly where they come from, a line will come in my head and then the rest of the poem comes in dribs and drabs but then sometimes I just get hit and write them out in one go, I never write in one way anymore some poems are just born straight away some of them gradually grow from a few words or idea, Alid over time I have worked on my poems I was not a very good poet at all when I first started I was a total novice I am sure with time and experience you will write amazing words some people are born with talent some develop it over time I truly believe you show talent you just have to learn how to knit your words together and find your voice, I found my voice awhile ago but even that changes with time I have found I am still learning and I will still be learning the day I die

love Jayne x

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

author comment

The event will cause the heavens to cry, I shall be there in the future with a big grin on my face, I query the last bits:-

don’t hold me one
last time
for my darlings I'm
coming back

Before you come back we will be there to sort out if it's necessary, lol
A choice you may have to make, but lets enjoy the Now.
There is so much to do and I can't do it all LOL.
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

I just had a small tear I don't know if the heavens will cry but I hope in some small way I am missed that's vain probably but I think we all want to be remembered, one day I will be forgotten but for the now its nice to think that my memory will live into a future I will never see for however long that is, and my friend when we meet in poets heaven we shall discuss if you think I need to come back again big smile...I just got hit with the idea for a poem...I have never written a poem for you and I think one is long overdue and the idea for the perfect poem just came to me give me a day or two...if you see For Ian in the title of a poem in the next few days please take time to read ;)

much love always Jayne xxx

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

author comment

Eternity is out of reach to us mere mortals, your thoughts have probably been noted, Sadie will let me know who is coming to join me when it is time to go help them.
They are but a thought away and they say you have too many things to do here.
There is a love that smoulders in ones heart, yet they will have to wait until you are better and in a lovely place of peace.
You have had hard tasks to carry out and I know that you will have learned many things that will only enhance your Spirit, now you have to reach out to those around you and let them know of your lessons.
There are young ones waiting for our Jayne to show them that things can be better by example, this is probably your main task. Now all we have to do is wait for the red dust to settle after we kicked shit out of it and look around to that new life's pathway.
We are here for you always,
Yours Ian.T and the Children xx

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

There is a light at the end of every tunnel, but I have yet to reach the end of mine I am still stuck on the learning curve, maybe soon I can show them how it is to walk away from personal disaster and thrive, The roads been a rough one and I am still learning how to manage the bumps ;)

much love always Jayne x

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

author comment

Beautifully crafted. I really like every line here. I specially liked
"let my coffin be
made of moon-dust
and my pillows
be rippling clouds
tear new holes
in the firmament
so that I can
see on down."
Wouldn't have changed a word.
Thanks for sharing. Nice to know you are well after that small accident.
Please take care dear.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

I am very happy you liked this one :) thanks for the visit and the read I will get round in the next few days and catch up a little on what I have missed

hope your well hun

love Jayne x

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

author comment

Since I heard nothing back from you recently I thought I had better come back and check out what you were writing about :-). Looking down from up there surely does offer a new perspective on life, on death, and I am glad you are coming back after seeing it. What would we all do without you!!!! I have done much cosmos gazing of late and spied several shooting stars when I was in Cuba a few weeks back (so I could see how active you were up there lol). Your poetry is getting smoother and even more refined, congratulations. You know me of course, I would not say absolutely nothing at all about possible changes. How about....

"I'll tell them of love
and compassion
and of heart-filled
passion and fire."

but when the
final pyres are lit
to turn my body
into ash
don’t cling to me
in grieving's
one last time....
for my darlings
I'm coming back

Just suggestions as always
Love BB

Big smiles sorry I was a little bit slack lol, Hope your enjoying your trip, don't fall asleep ;) !!, hmm I will go through your suggestions tomorrow night I am going to work my way backwards and edit my poetry as time allows as you know with things the way they have been I haven't had time to scratch myself, but I am now free for a week or so time to catch up on a few things eh ? :)

talk to you soon

all my love Jayne xxx (lil sis)

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

author comment

I haven't been around much lately, but it was great coming back at this particular time to read this fantastic poem of yours! As has been stated by others, your poetic skills are obvious and envious as well. Thank you so much for sharing this eye-opening piece, it made my day!

I haven't been round much since March, life's been keeping me occupied, I posted this one a while back I am very happy you liked it though, and I smiled when I read it made your day, that just made mine. Thanks for the visit and the read my friend.

love to you both Jayne x

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

author comment

Its good to revisit the poem which is the first one that inspires my "Serenity". I think I will be back again and again because this gem is so wonderful that I just can't stop coming back. Funny thing is each time I read it, its like I'm reading it for the first time. Its magical I tell you. lol. If there's a word i can use to describe this piece it will be Timeless....

love and hugs

And it is one of the greatest compliments, in my books, to come back to a poem for another read, for me that says the poem has 'something', whatever that is ? I cant say, I will get back to you on that one ;)

thanks my friend

love and hugs Jayne xxx

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

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