Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


October contest winner

Please join me in congratulating Purple Hobbit for winning the October contest with her poem "My Favorite Hat Is A Bottle Top. Here is the link and the poem is below : :


We've had about all kinds of contests this year with all kinds of parameters. So for a change let's have a simple one with only 2 parameters. Write something with some humor and try to keep it under 30 lines if possible. Check out the "contest" tab about how to do your entry and get ready to make folks laugh or at least smile.

My dearest friends, poets!
I tried to make the Frogpond: Journal of the Haiku Society of America interested in Sunku, but received an understandable reply that they are not interested in new forms.

I think to self-publish a collection of Sunku.
I have a lot of photographs I can provide as illustrations.
Is anybody interested to participate in this publication? We can place it on Amazon and direct any potential profits towards Neopoet.
I am looking for contributions as poems, photographs, editing, and commenting.

Hi folks

I came here and still come here for poetry. But I'm also an opinionated son of a gun so if you think you will push some political agenda on me you will be wrong. I'll push right back every time because, being a cantankerous old guy, I think My political opinions are at Least as correct as yours. So for the sake of peace here on a POETRY site please don't bring politics onto any page of mine unless you are prepared for a guy who doesn't mind a good argument.

An Intelectual History of Poetry

Here is a primer on the history of poetry

Features of Modernism

To varying extents, writing of the Modernist period exhibits these features:

1. experimentation

belief that previous writing was stereotyped and inadequate
ceaseless technical innovation, sometimes for its own sake
originality: deviation from the norm, or from usual reader expectations
ruthless rejection of the past, even iconoclasm

2. anti-realism

September contest winner

I has been brought to my attention that my blog announcing the Sept. contest winner disappeared on its way to being posted. (likely gremlins) So here it is . The poem is Gregwa8's concise work " Silent Lovers" Please join me in congratulating him...........stan :

Silent Lovers
Submitted by gregwa8

I lost you
because my voice

And now that I
have found
my voice

you’re not around
to hear me
and sing
and sing and sing.

"The Birthday Present", my first film

on 3/4" U-matic tape, c. 1977
Yes I was into the works of John Waters at the time.

October Contest Announcement

We are now entering a season of change. So with change and its effects in mind this month's contest is writing about the environmental changes mankind has on our planet. Get your pens filled and pour your thoughts on this into words. See contest tab for other contest parameters but Do Not forget to put (October Contest) right next to title and to hit contest tab at bottom of page when submitting...stan

September contest winner

Please join me in congratulating gregwa8 on winning the sept. contest with his concise poem "Silent Lovers"

Silent Lovers (sept contest)
Submitted by gregwa8 on Sun, 2018-09-16 23:38
I lost you
because my voice

And now that I
have found
my voice

you’re not around
to hear me
and sing
and sing and sing.

Oh what a
what a tragic,
common thing.

Notice of intent to hold a workshop

Ok folks I've sat on my butt long enough. I'm pretty much off the pain killers I had to take for surgery and now it's time I start pulling my weight around here.


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