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When the Shoe Fits ~ Chuang Tzu

When the Shoe Fits -- Chuang Tzu

When the Shoe Fits

Ch'ui the draftsman
Could draw more perfect circles freehand
Than with a compass.

His fingers brought forth
Spontaneous forms from nowhere. His mind
Was meanwhile free and without concern
With what he was doing.

No application was needed
His mind was perfectly simple
And knew no obstacle.

Respect Is Not A Commandment!

THOUGHT: How do you command the respect of others? You don't. Can one engage in self-respect? What does that look like, what does that feel like? Can we ever know that which does not change with experiences?


Love transcends all things, all people, all circumstances and all experiences. Love includes and transcends all gods and devils of our own choosing or our making. Love is reborn in and as every moment that is life. There is nothing else, not really.

When did you think otherwise? Who are you to think otherwise?

Anna Ruiz/Kailashana

Take Me Back to the Sixties

Even if you weren't around then, you'll enjoy the music...

Hope to see you soon!

I am stepping away from Neopoet for a good while, because of work related issue.
I love you all here at Neopoet. please know that I will return as soon as it is possible
thank you all for all your years of putting up with me. LOL

Love you all,
Fast Eddie Cruz

Deliberate Simpelton

Have you ever seen a deliberate simpleton?
They go down, when
You say go up
They go left, when
You say go right
They go backward, when
You say go forward

Have you ever seen a deliberate simpleton?
They know they are wrong
But say you are the one flawed
You ask them NOT to close the only workaround available
Yet, just as you thought they shut it down anyway
Then say kiss their a^^ because they’ve tied your hands
Rendering you useless and inept

I Love To Write

i love to write as you will know
i must write to keep sane and not go insane on a person
who seems to live for my demise
therefore, I'm putting craziness in poetry
and not on the one i want to pulverize

i imagine his demise, but shrink back
due to the fact
that such a thing
is not lawful or a Biblical righteous act
to commit upon a culprit's skin

therefore, i will keep putting up and endure a little longer

hi Neopoet family

tonight i can't find my eye glasses and i'm
working blind with fonts on here as big as comfortable for me to see
without squinting, but not too big i can't see.

i had to reschedule my Oracle test tonight until Thursday night.
hopefully i will have found my glasses by then or
i will have to use a magnified glass to take my test lol.

Featurres Are Great Tidbits

i just love the "last activity" feature.
Whenever i want to know how long it has been i wrote my last poem i will know when i see the last activity time if my 24 hours have ended or not, i will know before attempting to post my next poem.

The Genius of the Crowd ~ Charles Bukowski

there is enough treachery, hatred violence absurdity in the average
human being to supply any given army on any given day

and the best at murder are those who preach against it
and the best at hate are those who preach love
and the best at war finally are those who preach peace

those who preach god, need god
those who preach peace do not have peace
those who preach peace do not have love

Dear Members

Dear Members,

I was honoured to have been nominated as a candidate for the recent AEC elections, I was pleased to have been successful and blown away that I also got the chair.

I have been chair for a few days now and haven’t yet been able to sit in it. The recently elected AEC has had to hit the ground running, with no time to ease into the role gently. My team have 3 months to deliver a successful term and help Neopoet move forward and evolve for the benefit of its members.

The responsibility is huge but a real exciting challenge for each one of us.


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