Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Open Chatroom...

For anyone interested:
I will be hosting an open chat room this coming Saturday/8pm-10pm EST. 8/13/11
This will not be a themed chatroom, but just someplace for all of us to gather,
and chat about whatever we like.
Come on, drop in and check us out! A meet and greet for the newbies,
and a time for many of us older members get together again.
I hope to see many of you there, even if you only stay for awhile.
~ Geezer.

Open chat

I know the members of this site have a lot to say LOL!! So why not come have a chat, about anything that takes your fancy, (within reason, no porno ) LMAO!!

The location is our chat room on Sunday the 14th of August, 3 pm New York time.



poetry is lovely
a love that is given
but I seek a love
I can consume
and be consumed by
and so I hunt
and wish

the great challenge
is the great mystery
of treasures lost
not found

that is the passion
and she will emerge
from these mists
and what a passion
this shall be..............

Train Is Leaving

Hello Neo members. Come join my Olympic Pool this month
If nothing else it will prove to be a lot of fun. I am still enrolling participants.
Train Leave On Monday 08August. Will you be on board?

Patti Smith reads Allen Ginsberg

On Cremation of Chögyam Trungpa, Vidyadhara.

I noticed the grass, I noticed the hills, I noticed the highways,

Have fun

Come on have a laugh and improve your writing skills at the same time!!!!

If you have a poem you feel you would like help with, or one you would like to re-write, why not join the Splash Pool Workshop, as a group we can have fun re-writing each others poems and help eachother gain a new perspective on the poems and the way that we write.

The idea is not to use someones re-write at the end of the workshop and call it your own, it is to aid in inspiring you, and give you a fresh view. Also the participents may take or leave ideas.

Hey, to all of you!

In a couple more weeks I will be able to dedicate more time to the site. I am getting things under control in the new job. I will be happy to start reading and writing again. I miss you guys very much!
See you soon, well not see you just talk to you as it were.

Fast Eddie

High Aspirations For The Lowdown

I search for raw elegance
a fluid undressing of thought
irreducible essence

alive with beauty, clarity, and charm
colorful without discoloration
sophistication sans sophistry

others have found it

an honest heart
worn on Versace sleeves

The Ineffable In Poetry

When poets read poetry, it all depends on this, I think, otherwise the simple becomes complicated and the complicated is lost in the simplicity of reading from the context of the heart and not the mind. It becomes dry, brittle and academic. The shades and nuances are removed to make a poem appear palable...often becoming pablum without real *communion*

The poet who is able to connect on all three levels, reaches the depth of the human experience through his/her poetry..

Really, truly, a must read.

The more I read of "The Ode Less Travelled" by Stephen Fry (British Comedian) the more I regard it as an essential tool for beginner through to advanced poets. Beautifully, accessibly and humorously written it covers everything you need to know. Do yourself a favour and get a copy, it is invaluable.

My reference bible is "The Poet's Manual and Rhyming Dictionary" by Frances Stillman.


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