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Deliberate Simpelton

Have you ever seen a deliberate simpleton?
They go down, when
You say go up
They go left, when
You say go right
They go backward, when
You say go forward

Have you ever seen a deliberate simpleton?
They know they are wrong
But say you are the one flawed
You ask them NOT to close the only workaround available
Yet, just as you thought they shut it down anyway
Then say kiss their a^^ because they’ve tied your hands
Rendering you useless and inept

Have you ever seen a deliberate simpleton?
Who mock your schooling, ridicule your brainpower, and
Smirk at your inborn talent to figure things out
Before a clarification became open to eradicate the issue
Hold you blamable for something they can’t do, when
They’ve been told it wouldn’t work
Saying if you can’t do it, then it is must be a glitch

In closing self-indulgent deeds, they say I don’t care that
You can’t bring the internet back up for a while before storming off to pout

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