Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.



I love a soup of mixed bean
at least three types( up to fifteen )
soaked in clear water over night
then full day's simmer makes it right

A cold glass of milk and cold sweet tea
along with warm corn pone, you see
is about as good as anything
a meal fit for queen or king

Served up for the evening meal
to anyone it should appeal
but even if portions are slight
it makes for a right windy night

another not ready for prime time poem

Limerick and haiku challenge.

In the July Newsletter I did a short piece on Limericks and issued a challenge to write a SERIOUS limerick and a humorous haiku.

Post your submissions here.

So far, as you will see, it is no easy thing to be serious in a form that is basically comical.

The Greatest Grandeur ~ Pattiann Rogers

The Greatest Grandeur -- Pattiann Rogers

The Greatest Grandeur

Some say it's in the reptilian dance
of the purple-tongued sand goanna,
for there the magnificent translation
of tenacity into bone and grace occurs.

And some declare it to be an expansive
desert-solid rust-orange rock
like dusk captured on earth in stone-
simply for the perfect contrast it provides
to the blue-grey ridge of rain
in the distant hills.


Here's a little riddle for you , what's a fun group activity that involves both sexs and enrolment ends at midnight on the 23rd June ?


1) sex
2) hot kinky sex
3) Splash Pool - writing forms workshop

Well sorry to disappoint, LOL !!! But the answer is 3, anyone who wishes to join the Splash Pool - writing forms workshop, has until midnight 23rd June to pm Eduardo Cruz.

Oh come on you know you want to , I can't promise that it will be more fun than the first two options, but the benefits last longer.



Rain falls down on trees
pouring from limbs as our tears
do they cry as we

Writing Forms Workshop

The Writing Forms Workshop: Splash Pool

Why not expand your horizons and have some fun at the same time. We all tend to stick to the same styles, why not try something new, with the support of others, and learn something new.

For full details go to the workshop page.

The Writing Forms Work is about to start, but there is still time to join us. PM Eduardo Cruz

Make Believe Days

Hallmark/Madison exploit
calender celebrations
I take no part in these ritualized markers
of "so what" events on
just another day on planet earth

we are gifted with spontaneous joy
every morning
don't leave it under the pillow
wear it as a banner
make a parade

the only real holiday is called


The workshop "Splash Pool" is about to kick off tomorrow June 20 2011.
I am looking for YOU to join in, this workshop is on the different writing froms, freeform, Western and Haku.
This is truly going to be fun and interesting to see what your free thinking minds can come up with.. Imagine writing a poem in one form and taking the same poem and writing it in another." talk about being challenged"
Are you up for it?
I hope to hear from you soon!

Come on now support Neopoet by joining a workshop (mine)

regards to all,


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