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as the night came
the stars seemed more brilliant
like an electric bouquet at the top of my head.

seeped in crystal spring clarity,
I stared wide eyed and breathless
into boggling beauty

and I laughed
at my heretofore
spectacular misunderstandings

A Tribute To Cat

Cat You Are
That silver lining
We see around a cloud,
So many of us would like to catch it
At least me,

I Have no doubt
But the lining is so silvery,
My eyes can't
at that distance see
But surely do come by
Elevate me
To a slightly higher storey


Very few people here appreciate beauty
I am so glad you do,
Life is a series of such small strings
The discernible eyes can only view,
What is beauty?
What love is?
How so ever captured temporarily
By those few, like you.

Not a riddle. Ways of thinking.

If you can solve this apparent enigma just say so, don't give the answer away just yet. The answer is simple, straightforward and involves no trickery or supernatural intervention.

There is a terrible car crash. The man driving is killed instantly. His son is rushed to hospital for emergency surgery. The surgeon walks in, looks at the boy and says,
"I can't operate on him, he's my son."

Far into Eternity

They say that the edge of eternity
Is round,
A curve that does the universe surround
That however is impossible
That I’ve found,
The remaining portion of the curve
Must be around
To complete a full circle,
So mathematics remains unsound
The edge of eternity
Has to be round
What goes up has to come down
So when eternity is absolutely round,
The actual meaning of existence
Then only can be found,
Eternity is eternity,
Not straight nor round
It must carry on


That old elf fell and bumped his head
(good thing it weren't his ass instead)
for that is where his brains reside
a fact he tries his best to hide

Says he fell while in the shower
trying his B.O. to overpower
his noggin probably cracked the tile
( it's harder by a country mile)

Now ere he tells me go to hell
I'll take some time to wish him well
knowing this is sent in jest
from an old bald scribbling pest

*another not ready for prime time poem

Meter is not so hard.

All the really great poets studied hard, they knew what they were doing with every word and syllable.

Meter is more important in poetry than any other device.

and it is very easy to understand in theory. Do not count syllables! Count stressed syllables. It consists of types, called feet and the number of feet per line. Each foot consists of stressed and unstressed syllables. This is the way the syllables are normally stressed, or emphasised in spoken language.

Oh poet who am I,

Oh poet who am I, Based on the Internet Research

You all ask today
Google all world's poets
So many haven’t been read
Ages since they passed away,
Most of their poetry remained uncommented.
What about mine!
I need say,
Still many read me and comment every day
You say poet who!

The world’s best six poets
Left a legacy of about eight thousand poetry,
I alone have composed over five
And you say poet who!

When We Walk

When We Walk

When we walk towards a setting sun,
We call it the distant horizon,
As we move closer and closer,
The farther away it does run.

That’s all about a horizon,
We all chase a setting sun,
In the hope twill stay for some
The elusive horizon

Life is just a sojourn

Life is just a sojourn
Why were we born and lived a life forlorn,
None know it least of all me.
But life is the outcome
Of a two minutes
pleasure of parents
Who did lovely kids want...
Then we all are left
on the lonely sojourn.

As Yul Bryner had said

‘Man is born, lives and dies alone,’

If so be it,
The whole truth,
Enjoy the journey,
Relish the


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