Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Meet Neopoet Chat Committee & Director

As you all might be aware the Chat room is up and running now and is a welcome edition to the new Neopoet site. As a feature of the site it also must have its administration and moderators and hosts. For now the new chat committee are in place to oversee that the Neo Chat will become an intergral part of the site.

Your commitee consists of :

Paul - one of the trustee's of the site and Chat Director
Moonman - Rich who will be invaluable to the running of the chat
CCfire - Chez (me) who Paul has enlisted to also help in this aim


listen can you feel the rustle
crepe wind seeping
and secrets keeping
like ironed lace

fortifications of intricate
treasure scattered in
the fissure like poems
melted with folded rains
words kissing twin
the solvent juncture
like heart halves
and sunlight beating
plutonic sonnets
beneath the halo
and annointed wrists

Retirement Joke

Retirement Joke!

A long-time retired, elderly couple were married for over sixty years. Although the man and women were not poor, they were far from being rich. They managed to get comfortably by skimping and watching their pennies.

The elderly man and women were both in excellent health for their age, mainly because of the wife's insistence on healthy foods and exercise since their sixties.

As fate would have it, the couples excellent health didn't help a bit when they went on a rare vacation and their plane crashed.

Olympic Pool Workshop

Hello Neo members.

I would like to announce that the Olympic Pool is now enrolling participants
we will begin
20JUNE 2011 and run for 14days 04JULY
I realize this runs into the July4th weekend for those stateside, but I will keep the pool open for others


The outline for the workshop and details can be found by clicking the drop down menu for find a workshop
The workshop is on Cliches, their uses(or overuse) and how to break the habit of using them


Floatation Devise

I take no oaths
nor vow solemnly
I swear to nothing
make no promises
nor pledges
don't cross my heartfingers
no hopes to die
and no hacked in stone principles either

a moment has no need of such
a moment knows its requirements
and my obligation

I float in this integrity
and let myself happen accordingly
unwracked by decision, guilt
fear, or trepidation

what will be
will be alright by me
and I'm pretty sure
by the godsourcehead Hisself

Ladies Night ( One Man's Point Of View )

an eerie sight
full of reigning stars
drip-dropping poems
mysting the light
I cry
wondering why

so full of distortion
and tangles
wrackings of misused judgement
guilt, lonliness
or gigantic, overzealous love
bordering on
"you've got to be kidding"


The best beavers are nice and hairy
especially when they're wet
though I've heard of hairless ones
I've never met one yet.

I like tits smallish and perky
and hooters not overly big;
the ones which fit in a cupped hand
are the kind I really dig.

And when it comes to asses
I prefer them young and lean
with a bit of hairy tail
peeking out from in between.

The Meaning of Life

The Meaning of Life

A mendicant ascetic sat down where the Buddha
was instructing the monks. He listened attentively
until the Buddha finished the sermon and then
admonished the Awakened one to return to the
life of austerities. The Buddha listened in silence,
bowed respectfully, and left without saying a word.

More Than Just Cute

like a demure flute
mumbling in her lower tones
attempting a snarl
an itty bitty growl
she cowers only herslf
while others giggle
under their breath
"so cute"

but look out!
she means it
her shreiking sting
can be rightously

and that ain't cute at all

Which Way Is Up

of sky, of eye,
of mind
of intention

I miss it

some, undoubtedly, lost to fatigue
and worn out mechanism

though, that is not as concerning as
the speed of encroaching grayness
the smog of gauze eyed culture
destined for devolution, decadence,
and destruction

how does one play it now
no benchmarks, no milestones,
no guideposts beckoning in the
dwindling light

dead reckoning
by the gut!?
hopefully, it knows the way
by other means


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