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Mental Wards in the Mind's Eye

many called it crazy home on bull street
house of fools running wild
calling those visiting family and friends

crying for dead children, unborn
remembering ones wronged
showed no mercy
begging death, fleeting
as winds of blustery days

time of essence
today, here for taking
etch differences life of others
make name for self
one favorable, those mattered, because
pleasing everyone, impossible
please self, knowing
good conscience
makes heart joyous

Who am I

All my closest friends
are online
am I a real girl?
breathing breathe of life, or
virtual girl, living in bubble

if so, bubble popped
many moons ago
shattered, tared with feathers
i walk around as one
with out mends

tragic reality
beautiful Benz
unlike many
trying to grasp
what life really means

C# Programming

taking a break from programming
its lots of fun to write programs
once i learned how to
i wrote a really good invoice
submitted to instructor tonight

now that i have written a blog and a poem tonight
i will return to write codes for window 7 in C#
gotta love it to stick with it, because
i'm finally understanding
logic of codes

Life is a Thunderbolt

I went from fantastic high
to tragic low
happy state of being
to sad state of existence
that's life,
take it as it comes
or leave it as it is

Oh go on - open chat room session

Neopet members are not short of a word or two to say, so why say a few this sunday 2nd october 3pm New York time , 8pm GMT(UK time). I am hosting an open chat, anything goes except Porn and class A drugs LOL!!!!


Andy Goldsworthy ~ Working With Time

I highly recommend this DVD. Andy Goldsworthy ~ Working with Time


A Little Tribute ~

(There are many youtubes available on his work. The finest poetry, imo, puts
many elements together, juxtapostioning them in unfamiliar, yet familiar ways--
into feelings that evoke our inherent unity with nature and one another.)

Hi :)

I just wanted to drop a note and say hello its been a busy couple of months for me and I found myself having little time for the net ... Hope your all doing well thanks to all who emailed it was nice to be missed lol

might even get time to read a few poems over the next couple of weeks school holidays lol :P

much love and big hugs JC x x x

Weird Elf, Jess

There aren't many friends left
Like Jess
On the face of the earth, so
When you meet him on line
Never mind
The obvious, because
a heart of gold and silver
Is what he possess

Nothing Is Perfect

Nothing is perfect, especially
When flying high
on strawberry wine

My Grandbaby Nae

My grand baby Nae
Just one year today
Don't say," shut up" like the norm, but
Created her own form, from
"Shut up it " as loud as she can
From the phrase " stop it "


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