Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Sipping On Strawberry Gin

Flying high on some strawberry gin tonight :):(/):):)/):):):):):)
Haven't been to sleep since Friday night . :):):):):):)
Been writing and creating codes for my c# program all night
Gotta love that programming that's right

Dissatisfied Neopoet?

During our AEC Chat Session that was held recently, one of the discussions that occured was about how best to get members to comment on more peoples work. One of the ideas that was suggested was to set the Neopoet website to only allow people to post a poem once they have written 2 or 3 critiques (number of words to be discussed , as we want people to say more than 'Great Poem'). This would make sure that people have their work looked, at and also prevent over posting.

Do you know who Troy Davis was?

Read the poem.
Listen to Billie Holiday's recording
Read The Guardian.article.

And remember that even one man executed wrongly does not balance the



There have been a few inquiries concerning short stories. Short stories for now can be posted on blogs. Just to prove it, here's one lol.


John Thornton was a high school biology teacher. He had tried using his PHD in virology to teach at the college level at the University of Maryland. But the campus politics and endless paper work had driven him to teach high school instead. Less paper work resulted in more time for his beloved family.

Please Read:

China Blue's Blog:

I am happy to be serving with her in the Advocacy. If there is anything I can do please pm me.


Interesting? Newsletter

If you have any ideas for the Newsletter that you think would be of interest please
Leave them here



Once again our Newsletter folks did a bang up job.
The newsletter is actually fun to read now, also informative. Lou and Dan work so very hard to bring this letter to the members.
We owe them a debt of thanks for all they do.
Thank you form one reader

To All Neopoet Members

I just wanted to make sure everyone knows that
the chat rooms are open, even when there isn't
a scheduled event, so if you're wanting to chat
with another member, have them meet you in the
chat room. The scheduled events are indicated on
the home page, anytime you want to go there and
see what's coming up, just run your mouse over the
big bold "neopoet" at the top left of the page and click ...
event calendar is to the right.

We Need Your Help

Advocate: Definition
A person that writes or speaks on ones behalf

Neo Poet Advocate/Guide:
You will act as liaison between a member and the AEC or Trustees. An advocate/Guide will aid a member with finding their way around the site You will be a new members first contact welcome them , offer your services. making them feel comfortable about being here. Introduce them to writers that have the same genre of writing. Explain the workshops and chat program.

Respect for words

"She had learned on previous attempts at conversation in the Australian bush to speak slowly and use short sentences. She did not make the mistake of thinking the inhabitants stupid. It was just that they did not talk much and therefore liked to give every word its proper weight. She reflected that a writer might find this touching. Words are seldom given the respect they deserve"
from "The Green Hill Murder" by Kerry Greenwood


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