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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



dream breakfest
hour bleak of dawn
your voice ignites
the dark startling
the stars

the heartdance hit
slamming a wave of light

Ditch this fucked life
wait for black coffee
to fill up yesterday
our history in a cup
like sugar grains
the painful snow bright


sleep lost in dreams
the mumble park
like summer dayz
and blossom stark

Hurt, Pain, and Truth - more meter

To think the pain that comes is felt to learn
To stand the pain I bare the truth of hurt
To know the hurt I learn to take its truth
To break the threat of hurt I check my pain
To void the hurt I know before it comes
I learn to track the signs of hurt in time
I break its press before it writes the hurt
I think I know the signs although I’m blind
I look to read the pain of thoughts inside
I lose the train of thought when pain arrives


Exposed ....Dropped Pants!

''You've got to see the elephant for what it is.'' So she said some where...

The embracement /embarrassment,
must be man's,
B’coz elephants have 48 inches long,
Yes! You heard it right.
Man’s by now you all know

Ele’s is solid muscle,
Did you know?
a bucket full of semen
oozing more...
Man’s by now you know...

Hopefully, I myself assure...

awakening into this

Awakening into this,
the body's bliss
fine-tuning the vibration
into early-morning's baby-breath....

Damn, Sam! It's so freakin' cold, stepping
barefoot into the air, down-comforter warm.
Our bodies still sleeping in its natural heat
did not know what happened to the furnace,
why it died overnight.


As we sit enveloped by new night
on a crisp and clear October eve
beneath the moon and star's cold light
with faces turned up to receive.

The cheery light of cedar burning
casts flickers from the fire pit
reminding us of past hot yearning
as we warm ourselves in front of it.

I need not see to know your form
familiar from so many years
of sharing life and bed so warm
and even more than a few tears.

Snooze Button Blues

the blue glare that drives you crazy is almost welcome now;

but only when you must get something down

to show the usernames you've come to trust

in almost anonymous Neoland.

In that particular place,

you can stretch your babybat wings and fly off

to find someone else with ink running through their veins.

there you found a few fingers to

grasp in your tiny beginners hand;

one aged with meter and syllable count and all that boring stuff.

someone who is also a dancing monkey for their own words



When a name is christened
Penciled in on business plan
To excel when challenged
It means a lot to the clan

Walking the path to perfection
Separating odds from the flush
Like a refinery purging pollution
While we take along the brush
Distilled residue of human nature
Office politics, rested on ego
Queried the mode of the venture
Compelled to drag the embargo


whom drew your blade
and slipped that lock
let light fall again
in the dark
where I pushed thoughts
like a rock

"whadda yah want from me"
(how I was surly and mean)
and in the same breath
would comb your hair
and through rain run
to get you a share
of this and that

"Its a trick" I spoke
that many use to buy your
be always wary of the ruse
when they turn
and your blade has grown rust

What Perception!

Your inner perception,
I perceive,
Varies like the winds speed
In a desert,
In the wilderness,
In stormy snowy environment
You perceive
In the quietude of the distant
Depth of your mind,
A talent latent, unexplored,
You feel lured
But I’ m an adamant donkey,
Barking like a dog,
At the wrong floor

Yes you alone perceive the sense of admiration,
A view you alone do take,
But alas my fate is a drowning one,
A ship at bay, like the Titanic.

Wait, stop, and see it’s sunk…

crowd pleaser

"Nothing but window dressing for a soul.",
Buk says, dropping his pants for the crowd.

The crowd roars. Some sit with an embarrassed look
on their faces. Some
are poker-faced, showing no hands. Some look
like the already dead, turning away.

"You can't hide yourself in poems, you can't
buy yourself a hot-assed seat in the Promised Land.

You've got to see the elephant for what it is.

You've got to....."


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.