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whom drew your blade
and slipped that lock
let light fall again
in the dark
where I pushed thoughts
like a rock

"whadda yah want from me"
(how I was surly and mean)
and in the same breath
would comb your hair
and through rain run
to get you a share
of this and that

"Its a trick" I spoke
that many use to buy your
be always wary of the ruse
when they turn
and your blade has grown rust

and we parried on
till as shadows of one we moved
and the snows fell and
the leaves were burning with the
colours in overcast gusts

cascading like golden leaf
torn free from a great masterpeice
and the years turned
like a waterwheel
and experience grist
to fine worth


I am still indebted to you
whom loves to see me
unemcumbered with my walls

"you want to smile" you
whisper against me
while a bus pushs slush
(pat the seat beside you with
a smile)

I am your prisoner
and it is you whom
I can free

Editing stage: 


''''I am your prisoner
and it is you whom
I can free'''

from the bondage
that you call
do read my poem


life is not all cut and dried not simple linework
but great revelations of subtleties that not
always make sense..not always have clean
starts or endings.... Im not writing for magazines
nor aiming to publish and be famous
but to put these rather intriquing works here
and my additional comments that compliment
the peice to shed light and understanding on
the persona and creative process of the poem
itself... They are a joy to write
and I greatly enjoy reading your careful and
detailed comments

Thank You

author comment

You show the light
only then my blinding eyes can see
a person like you
in the far distance .
amazing how you unveil me
with the gentility of a soul
we two depict
as a feeling that one may beget
of being whole

no one will credit me
as you say you,
for our visionary poetry
Nobels are never given posthumously
so we both stand
at the two ends of the darkened tunnel,
you shine your torch at me
as I reflect


and for others it is a beacon
a way
Some prefer to remain in darkness
and scorn those that cast it
their own fears running their show
and how they try to run others

But inevitably there is no beauty
like that light of the soul
that shines to another

and the great gift of poetry
to touch hearts
and warm souls

Thank You!

author comment

Perhaps by traversing across my pages
you ought have estimated
that Loved is equally blunt
in the nuances they call
the diamonds of poetry


''the great gift of poetry
to touch hearts
and warm souls''

with which
has blessed thee.


I thank God for allowing me the gift for writing
and the patience for knowing intuitively that I
have his given ability for writing
for creating works that are worthy
for sharing and be daring

Its taken awhile to be good at this
and to appreciate Gods beauty in others
there is always that clarity that shines
through with those that have vision

perhaps one day there are may who
will rise above the muddle haze
as I once did vaulting this wonderful
ability that I have worked and honed
in his honour

and for my effort and belief in myself
that I truly am a poet also of worth!!

Thank You Loved!

author comment
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