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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Pain in My Flesh and Bone 

There is no love like your love
Except one from above
A love that never fails
When hit by falling hail

Your love makes me forget, searing pain 
Scorching my flesh, my mouth
A love that helps me endure hard times
when nothing else will do

I can't sleep at night, awake till late
Can't walk at dawn, body won't move
When the pain is intense, driving me insane
I play games on my iPad for hours on end

More Meter a real try,

Thinking can be the way of hurting, self
Self-knowledge is lost to the self-learning
Exploring all avenues is the road
When the eyes are open the rest will flow
The juices of understanding are warm
Taken in as hot medicinal tea
The healing of self is in the knowledge
Drink from the fountain and explore it all.
Neopoet is for me the fountain
Growing in my brain with great expansion.
The new megabytes have started a fire
Which will not be ignored by a closed mind
Maybe, More Meter is the catalyst


Betwixt LIFE and Death!

You are better than most inept folks,
This side of the divide,
Between heaven
existing life

'''There is no life after death.'''

Simply observe a frozen rat,
He couldn't have been weeping for anyone.

I see your hand sturdier than mine,
With typing so flawless
Take death out of your mind
You will then only know
There is no soul,
No heaven,
No life beyond death


Dear Mama, can you hear these cries of a sinner,
these deep felt pains not the outside the inner.
Wondering if you can feel these mistakes that i've made,
how I tortured you inside threw your name to the graves.

Dear Mama, are you feeling when your remembrance brings me tears?
thinking about the verbal abuse I dealt with for years.
Not to mention the neglect even though you were there,
neglect from your heart raped the love and the care.

Or We Must Forever Hold Our Peace

George Washington once said he couldn't lie

then Abe Lincoln announced his honesty,

each President has since claimed they were, too

the only thing twas shared by all were lies.


I must admit a voter can cause change

or else at worse can shine a light to all,

that with a government that always lies

we'd better all unite or else we're doomed.


Widely not a recommended topic

political discussions do go sour,

we all must try and be good examples



In a dark room she is a glimpse of light
On a sad face she is a glowing smile
The sun on a cloudy and misty day

She is the antidote to that dis ease
The sweet sound of friendly conversation
When the only one listening is the wall

The scissors to suffocating ropes
The promise between all the lies
The honest Abe amongst politicians

The artwork on a blank wall
The enemy of uninvited insecurity
Meet my better half, poetry

Defibrillator (Iambic Pentameter)

Far down the vale slow death has wrought from time
no offers tempt an extra hour of life
no promise makes new offerings of strife
seem real enough to take from what is left
before the water's icy shock makes sear
of power slammed into a pounding chest
by Science seem as pure as fleeing soul.


The Iron Hog

Under a hog made out of iron
where libations flow so fast
and the music will coerce your feet to dance;

be aware of your surroundings
and forget about the past,
let the room fill up with party, and romance!


There's no way you're in the wrong place
it's "hog heaven", as they say
let's celebrate together young, and old;

we'll all raise high our glasses
and toast the aging of the day,
staying well after the final joke is told!






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