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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


A Hollow Home

I had a son once,
He had a laugh bright as the sun,
One day he went out to have some fun,
And was taken from this world by a man with a gun,

I had a daughter once,
She was daddy’s little girl,
But now she’s grown and moved away,
She even missed her mother’s funeral,

I had a wife once,
She had eyes blue as the sky,
She always wore a smile in life,
And when the cancer took her she never once did cry,

Total Aquareness

Leathered terrace that I cling to
enlists the true, eclectic me
sometimes shavin'
always cravin'
to see the forest through the tree;

I've seen rainbows and spied sunsets
that would make an angel cry
and I notice in the distance
I'll see that same light when I die;

for instance my own Mother
knows how short that I had fell,
sometimes we may see a heaven
from a view that includes hell;

The Karmic Game

The sky was set on fire
Its smoke did hide the sun

While here on earth

I stood inside the murky haze
Screaming at the karmic Gods
At the very top of my lungs

I raised my fist above my head
Wondering why was I not dead

Once again, my anger rose

Who can fly upon burnt wings
Not any you might hurt
Or cripple by your selfish games

The smoky sky did finally clear
The sun came shinning through

Whom could I have blamed?

Leap of Faith

Why make a leap of such great faith alone
When you have a friend there to stand beside?
Another with you should jump in quick stride,
My branches serving as a stepping stone.
This is a jump of great importance, no?
Implying in it a change of magnitude
That may greatly affect your attitude
Toward more than you’d ever wish to know.

Reverend Director III...

Now memories came crowding in
His brother beaten with a belt
Killer; young and helpless
He remembered how he felt

He heard the cries of agony
The whimpers of disgust
Perverted laughs of pleasure
The pain of Uncle's lust

There was nothing he could do
His Uncle big and strong
Morning came and his brother dead
No one there to right the wrong

So long ago, he made a promise
When uncle Michael disappeared
Scum like him would be the victims
Killer's vengence would be feared


Another log tossed on the fire
sending sparks up through the flue
like souls escaping from the pyre
whose heat spirals them from view

And we sit here side by side
on this cold late winter night
in contented silence we abide
hypnotized by dancing light

Whose flames carry me far away
to folks and places back in time
where I can remember every day
which passed like a clock's fleeting chime


ribbons of blue
how I know

Desolation in the face of wealth

Pity the pope
in his pointy pontification.....

The Catholic Church hoarders
of antiquity treasures lay not
yours on fallow fields.
Let not the sperm fly in your face,
with the faces of the unwanted like
the castaways of the filthy rich:

'Let them eat cake once they're born.
I wash my hands .'

There is no birth control for deviant minds if sex
is disallowed personal gratification, if it doesn't create
slaves of worship for the empire.

Camels rarely go through St. Peter's square.

Solomon splits in two

If Billy Maher wrote religious poetry,
I'd be crushed by an audience of laughter.

(The thinker, there, exposed.)

Did that get your attention, darling?
Now take me away from this mundane
field of stars where Rumi throws
his seeds of sperm--words I must taste to remember why
it is the sunlight that grows every shadow.

In your hands I am a soliloquy of prayer.
Recite me. Let me read your lips.
Take me to that forever place
in your heart that is pure, love that can
never be reconciled.

No one sees

I fight in a smile,
cry in a laugh
I love in sorrow,
care in hatred

I'll hold you up
if I wish you to fall
I'll let you drown
if I wish you to swim

I'll crone I love you
when I can no longer
stand your breathing
I'll scream I hate you
when my heart can't
stand your absence

My head will rest on your chest
when I wish it to stop moving
My words will bring your blood
when I wish you'd hold me


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.