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The stream (all workshops)

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sympathetic gesture in pennies

perched upon a pallet
each powerful pull
prompting further
his pickled pitch of pep

all promises
played out
and unproductive


Clock strikes ten
It is time for bed
You lay down beside me
On my pillow you rest your head
On your right shoulder
My head, I fondly place
You lower your eyes
And look at my face

Your eyes look amused
Smile dances on the lips
When I touch the curls
On your chest with finger tips
It feels so perfect
Too good to be true
I tremble with joy
My veins, as it runs through

a r m a l i t e . . . 5 . 5 6

peat fires the spicy burn drifts
the soft smoke
not bitter
not tyres

the quiet in the night

"tiocfaidh ar la"

Nothing to fear

Nothing to Fear
By R W

sexual bliss

happiness through sex....
the whole purpose of sex
if any at all
was to procreate
thus create
a new entity
you call it happiness
I call it a kid
love is the essence of all living,
remove sex
there would be no need of life
no strife
no need of seeking happiness,
as you shall have nothing to compare
no theory of relativity
and there wouldn’t ever have been
an Einstein
a mind
like mine

it is what it is


of that which is done
enfolded within the scar
of a remodelled heart

a vessel
for that which is left
dates, name
and an icon

a song
for that which will always be
jeremiah was a bullfrog
was a good friend of mine*


*Three Dog Night


Turning clean sharp edges rough
as do the mists of passing time,
their tiny drops adorn my coat
with shiny crystal beads
as delecate as frozen rime
and small as ripe pearl millet seeds.

I wipe them off with hands grown rough
hunch my shoulders to belay damp chill
then quietly cough to clear my throat
as if it's clogged with swallowed tears;
take a deep breath to steel my will
while standing in this wooded place.

Rhyme Patterns (2) "Bitter rand Sweet" Scribbler

BITTER AND SWEET (rhyme patterns SS)

O the wonders of the spring
all the song birds perched to sing
a wasp just stung me on the ass
I've got to cut the freakin' grass

With flowers blooming everywhere
I've more than enough love to share
pollen swells my nose and eyes
new fire ant mounds which I despise

Ladies' fashions become spare
belly buttons and midriffs bare
along with men's knobby knees
plumbers' butts shine in the breeze


The sun shines with broken seasonal rains
Besides, the wind blows on, all the year round
Carrying with it soft sounds since silenced
From the mouth of one who was first to speak
Harvested crops found their way to stomachs

Through the filtered nature of tinted self
Draped in a cloak of grey on smoggy screen
The protector of sacred scrolls dictates
I fight to transmit with quill pen and ink
Jotting words with difficult maneuver

Brevity and poetry.... modernisation......

another ditch
another pitch
another screaming bitch....
maybe that's what one sees
when one is in the gory of it all,
some pain
some sorrow
but clap the multitudes all
a bout perhaps of joy
happiness for the boxer’s collection
ends in matchlessness
that’s what all wrestling is about
another money making
stitch perhaps
after all.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.