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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.




Down corridors angles sharp
flames flickering to dark
I tumble and fall
trying to reach an end
I crawl
scratching the ground
ripping at Time that has bound

Lord, have mercy.

around the block

‘I need to find my room
you're new here aren't you?
I can't ask the nursing staff
if they think I'm getting lost
they'll want to transfer me to the locked section


I wish I was a Catholic
in order to confess my sins
and remove my shameful deeds

or perhaps a Buddhist monk
this world's illusions torn away
and nothingness achieved

maybe many transmigrations
could teach a lesson or two
and drop me off the wheel


Man, look at that cleavage there!
large pale globes just bulging out
inviting everyone to stare,
whistle, perhaps even shout.

Do you think the cleavage folks
purposely expose their goods
leading to such crude lewd jokes
about their large and jiggly goods?

The tee shirt's not quite up to task
the cloth's too sheer and not too tough
which kinda leads most folks to ask
what fabric would be strong enough?

How many priceless moments life does show,

adored enough for us to store with gold,

yet brief they stay and leave us lone, to hold

our hearts and make their ills and sorrows grow.

Alas, how often hearts seek lasting glow,

imperfect joy and earthy lusts that mold

and rot then set our suns and moons less bold

forgotten and entombed with all they owe.

Yet wait, there’s still a hope for me and you

when heavens bid immortal life for us

with more eternal joy and happy times.

Book Of Pain (Part One )

...And the Dragon sheds the last tear,
His happiness an illusion.
Driving promises of lies told to self,
unrelentless pain,
self-inflicted for my soul's humility.
It is a sad thing
when there is no-one to blame.
and sold against self imprisonment
and denial,
pulsing veins of blackest sin.
My scales absorb the pain as my teeth
grind fault loudly,
making damn sure my ears
carry every word and feeling of betrayal
to my inner core of emotion.

Gift of the Land

red earth
and golden shrubs
majestic roots
and kindred bark
in which was carved
the initials of the hand
that held the blade
and the mouth that starved
for the gift of the land
a jewel made
to quench the thirst
and hunger fade
into a delicate burst
of yellow orange delight
succulent love of the sunlight,
in the heat of a boiling breeze
shadowed by the leaves
breath comes in ease
steadfast and trusting
its branches ever lusting
to reach the sky

Complicating Poetry

Then twas okay
there wasn't much else to do or say .
.today there are scores of hobbies
games on the Internet to play
can't we all have our own say
in simpler nuances
if I may so say .....

My master taught me
abab ab abc abc then aaabb cc
then I took off from there
abcd.... dcba
then free for all combination
thus I created free verse poetry
for better or worse
still many stalwarts do read
my verse...
thanks to thee..

So Glad to Be with You

“Hello, how are you? I’m Emily.”
“Emily, it’s Bill. I’m so glad to be with you.”
That said we go for a walk.
Wind our way through the town, we
were born here, married, raised children.
Strolling past the cemetery holding our parents,
Emily comments on the lovely statue of St. Michael.


Renting space in the back of my mind,
Twisting, turning, making me blind.
Moving me backward and forward in time,
with thoughts of hatred, blood and grime.

Ever so tedious, never just plain,
Eating my conscience again and again.
When will this lift, suspension begin
This constance of evil that's brewing within.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.