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Libyan Socialist Mona

Tears run freely down my face.

I am hearing of violence and upheaval in your country.

This athiest prays deeply for your safety,

my dearest friend,

if you you need to leave your country

I will do all I can to help.

If I can come there and help with the struggle

I will

You have saved my life with your love and compassion

I will not be powerless.

Tell me what is happening

and what I can do.

Stony Tale

beneath my facade
million untold stories
have metamorphized

a fire within
rages before erupting
volcanic lava

I pioneered
the stone age evolution
with my flint of fire

I bear the brunt of
memorials and relics
for posterity

from my nethers springs
the elixir that quenches
thirsty souls and soil

I am bewildered
by that idiotic phrase
"as dead as a stone"

From Mom And Dad Dec 83'

“From mom and dad dec 83’ “

That was the first thing I viewed
As I opened the book
At the half price book store.

How did this wonderful book
End up here?
The pages were aged
And darkened,
And I remembered reading it
In the early eighties.

Just a material possession, for sure,
But, it was those words,
Those very special words,
That were written, very small
Inside the back cover.
It meant something
To the “mom and dad”
Who had purchased this book
For their child.

Brain Rush

Liquid thoughts darkens my soul.
A storm on the horizon of my heart.
Wicked muses entangles deeper than
my spirit. Brainworks burn my psyche.
The crimson flows deep and intense.
So painful, I can live no longer.

Poetry is the living soul of a writer
By Pixee

Migraines consume
every part of this hollow shell, that contains
my psyche.

The potency of the brain ruch is astounding.
I cry scarlet tears. . .

Ripples and Echos...

As the ripples fade into the distance
Small waves lap at memories' shores
Eroding the edges
Echoing back to me
The words I said
Seem distorted now
I shouted loud enough...
It's not my fault
You weren't paying attention

They don't give a flying fuck

Innocence ripped to shreds, 
belittled, left bleeding
Fucked over left for dead,
Pat the perpetrator on the back
Make them feel welcome 

Pluck hearts out
twist and burn.
Give them a tv and games console,
Make them feel cosy,

Government rewards the aggressor
protects his human rights.
Whilst the victim becomes the villain,
And goes through Hell.

Distant Future

Distant Future

All men and women won’t cheat,
They’ll love short term relationships.
But all males would like to sleep
With as many women,
I can't say those now days,
It’s any different for men...


In late hour beneath lamp light
with pen of clay I try to write
on a pure and empty page
in the style ignored in this late age.

For here in this free verse time
I mostly write my verse in rhyme
the form of Poe and Burns and Frost
which seems at times is almost lost.

In a life approaching its December
it's rhyming writes that I remember
from far back in my days of youth
the old ones who appear time proof.


rain hiss
on snow mist
we press against
the cold
with warmth

we gather garnished
kisses precious
as gems
and slay dragons
of jealousy with tongues

My Day in the Sun

I swam throughout her ocean,
had to fight her undertow;

her waves became my friend,
more than anyone could know.

Familiar with her coastline,
I've walked along her beach;

I tried to possess her heart, and mind;
both were out of reach.

Her air was so inviting,
I was dancing in her wind;

we grew, and were relating,
and, the thrill was if we'd sinned!

I so, enjoyed her ocean,
but, things just weren't meant to be;


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