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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



I eat plastic noodles
to remember, the imaginary scent of December
sipping at chilli soup in my bed rags
your artificial smell
loving up my bed hair.

I fell into her bed right there
your feelings for me spindled around me
like a little moat of clouds
of hot, fresh steam
that balanced eagerly
in pure thin air.

Love is death

Let the pain roll off my back
Into the sand my blood drops
My dreams go with the wind
My laughter sounds in hell

The knife you shoved into my back
Cuts into my heart
Until everything spills from inside me
Down I go
Spiral out of control
ceaseing to be

Watch as blood gushes from my mouth
As my heart bleeds through my skin
I fall to the ground
Look up at you and say
Your love was just my death in
a pretty disguise


Maple buds are now brick red
scattered through a copse of trees
with warmth mixing into a cold breeze
spring time must be just ahead
winter's song is nearly done

A robin and one lone blue jay
hopping about bare limbs and ground
both hoping food will soon be found
on this bright and windy day
beneath a yellow mid-day sun

Beech trees now their dead leaves expel
crimson blooms upon a red bud tree
that's bent and muted just like me
dogwood buds starting to swell
the return to life has now begun

The Darkest Winter

The darkest winter, ever
never felt so damned alone,
these growing pains are crippling
hope it's worth it when I'm grown;

this winter brought more gravity
at least, that's how I feel,
this burden of first-hand knowledge
leaves an icy chill, that's real!

Folks say that they understand
it's a lesson we must all learn,
fate merely granted ambiance
when it finally was my turn.

I Was...

Ghosts of who we were
Strength made from our yesterdays
Where our memories are blurred

Left to our own devices
We fabricate gracefully
Making truth work harder still

Living longest I can kneel
At the altar then
And no one can deny me

"rule of the mob" Demokratia


your name
another thousand
memories fill.

your voice
clear above chimneys
forever shrill.

your form
cryptic silhouette
of faceless clocks' idyllic
secrets spill.

your gait
deftness on pointe --
pleuritic thrill.


Time goes round in a straight line

When we check the time,
noticing that check also means stop,
with a clock or watch with hands that go round,
now like seconds,
in the now like minutes
or resonating in the now like hours,
like the Earth around itself,
around the sun,
in the near infinite now of the spiraling Galaxy
We are in and out of time and myth.

When we read a digital display
of this thing we call time,
the number gets bigger each time you look.
Digital time drags us inexorably to our deaths.
The bugger.

her transparent embrace


who lifts


the water's

sprinkle away tempests

for prayers
of midnight's oasis


Elven Racial Purity, Misanthropy or Perfectionism?

I loved you,

until I found out
you were human.


alone at night
so far from home.......
Buried darkness isolation a strange culture hatred unearned

I came to save you
who would now kill me
I came to liberate them
.those who won't even meet my eyes

Yet here I stay
a stalwart against tyranny
..and radicals
...mad anarchists
....false believers

Afraid, brave,confused,alone...steadfast


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.