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A Crescendo of Observation

Betrayal endured
Wrath engendered
Rage resides
Where love is ended

The line is drawn
The plot extended
Once eternal lovers
No longer foes befriended.

BjR 6 March, '11

Politicide (eddy styx)


Composition by design
the compost heap
of Charon's Keep
heaping guano on the stack.
A marriage joined,
by fecal matter.
Entwined decrepitude
of nature's refuse.
Praetorian wing
echelon fine...
ever sinking
in the stinking
black hole.
open mouth
verbiage spewing...
oh the flowing out
of each and every
bureaucrat (Divine!)

farewell friendship's muse

there is somewhere
that you belong

that as a wee little one
you began to wield with
power the mystery of words

that each thought recorded
reminder of events & circumstance
not just happenstance
progressing through life
indelibly etched in heart.

lift up your soulful gaze
with eyes sparked ablaze
travel back through time



I walk within trees
in a city of lust,
people carry music
on their backs.
Tired eyes keep
leading me, there will
be time, relax.
What now dances
before me, pleasure,
had until then
always shown me
a highest disregard.


What is love you ask of me?
well let me think and let me see
when such answer by you is sought
it requires study and thought

I've been in love a long, long time
so long it is almost a crime
with my ever child like bride
my love for her I can not hide

Some poets say love is a curse
and others that it's even worse
I've heard it described as a light
illuminating, shining bright

"One Dark Night"

A beautiful woman
stands nude in the moonlight,
a candle flickers,
a breeze whispers through the bedroom.
Standing in the corner sweat glistens
from her perfectly formed torso.
Tears streak her face
blood drips from a knife to cold stone floor.
A puddle gathers at her feet,
staining what little innocence remains.
She stands, listening,
as if to hear
her dead lover’s breath.
and quietly murmurs, why?

John Thomas

Have you ever met a man like John Thomas
Such a strange little geezer ?
When you treat him coldly he shrinks away,
He’s so flaccid and yielding.

Have you ever met a man like John Thomas
Such a sweet fella ?
Treat him with care and he is,
Perpendicular, he stands proud.

Have you ever met a man like John Thomas
He’d do anything for a joke?
When he has his beer goggles on,
he’d give anything a poke.

Seek and you shall find


i will not be scorched
by the flame of another
i shall keep my fire
fueled only by the pure
kindling found deep
within the terrain
of my wooded home

the sun shall bring
enough light by day
and a torch, well-lit
shall provide steady
footsteps to tread
the dark by night

[as I search for what
I cannot find or name]

no light save by the moon
on occasion when
occasion finds
would reflect the sun bright
from yonder hemisphere
and translate another's flame

Tree Symphony

A distant cloud embraces its own shadow
While the wind blows desperately across the meadow
Leaves rustle on tree limbs
And birds sing as they scatter to their homes

A single tear drop in a sea of sadness
We are one creature, love and its madness
Thunder rolls on through the hills
And rivers flood as they push past the guilt

A lost memory resurfaces in your dreams
We were once lovers, caught up in the urgency
Regrets swell on envy and pride
And the trees sway and produce symphonies all around

Pigeon Pied People

Pigeon Pied People

Pigeon loft people
never near the edge.
Afraid they’ll drop to ground,
living a very ordinary life of drab.
Quietly, careful with their sound.

What is this life to lead,
that they can’t lift a head to cheer.
Closeted in a never land of temerity,
with talk only forthcoming,
when swallowed on
supermarket beer.

All that’s owned is debt’s to banks,
run by barons with sticky fingers.
Their castles have creaky balconies,
where only life so cheap
or death lingers.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.