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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Prime Emotions

Prime Emotions
We were both oblivious at first
So naïve, so unknowing of it all
Minds cleared and it all came in a burst!
Oh, that I knew we would have such a ball

So there we were, in our infancy together
We learned to love, learned to adjust
Most importantly we learned it with ardor
Then we had what we held dearest

Here and now, there is so much more
Together we’ve been through abounding emotions
But soon off in the future we’ll come ashore
To something that’s bigger than oceans.

Puppy Dog

Puppy Dog

Did I do it good enough?
Did I beat him down enough?
Did I shred his soul enough?
Was my tone sufficiently rough?

Aye my love

You saw the cut, done by me
You saw his pain, done with glee
Now I beseech, nay implore thee
Did he bleed enough?

Aye my love

Target hated?
Properly sated?
Sufficiently berated?
Now elated?
A question first, 'til you bleed for me, love:
Am I damned enough?

Above The Storm

For a moment take my hand
As we run from the madness
Yes, the one that eats at your soul

The clock is ticking
As you start pacing back and forth
Hoping that this demon will rid you

This time you have a comrade
In a war that weakens the mind
As it buries the heart in dark ditches

For once let your smile be the maestro
Rather than the strings of some violin
See, when you let your passion become dust
The world watches as you are spread thin by the wind

Above The Storm

For a moment take my hand
As we run from the madness
Yes, the one that eats at your soul

The clock is ticking
As you start pacing back and forth
Hoping that this demon will rid you

This time you have a comrade
In a war that weakens the mind
As it buries the heart in dark ditches

For once let your smile be the maestro
Rather than the strings of some violin
See, when you let your passion become dust
The world watches as you are spread thin by the wind

One Final Thing

Memory flickers pale and bright
across dark future plains
of life still seen through lens
of hope, yet soon denied,

delights of flesh and feelings
once filled with urgency of need
now on oblivion's nearing edge
of certain end do ride,

every part of being part
of what you are now frays
against approaching end of days
beyond which no life can abide,

and from the absolute of end
there is no fleeing nor escape,
no frantic pleas for life's addition
or hopeful compromise.

Poetic Carnage...

The rhyme is torn asunder
Shivers of intent trace a path up his spine
Delicious sensations the taste of success
There are bruised sentences and smashed punctuation
The bloody smell of words left by the wayside to rot
The freedom to savage the tame verbage gives him joy
He is silent in his satisfaction


a tower I built
from bones of freedom
sown with ash and skins
of treason

darted through with
cutlery silver
forked tongues
that did deliver

and smoking eden
from atop I gazed
the fires of pyres
that the dead did

and my silhouette
bride and I did

Hells penthouse
panoramic pad

Fate Haiku

She stood like Lotus
in a brothel of abused
a stillborn Virgin


The wild plums are ripened now
along the old grown up fence line
using them we'll rediscover how
to make jellies and home made wine

So let's get our buckets out today
and walk across the pasture there
while warm winds make pine trees sway
we'll pick our plums and stories share

The plums are ripe yellow and red
a bumper crop from this spring's rain
this bounty of fruit nature bred
will be this fall and winter's gain

If You So Wish!

If You So Wish!

I am contemplating
Shall soon,
If you wish too
So I’d leave behind memories
For a while,
Till the ashes from heaven
Bury all my smiles,
Till then lest
I say good bye,
Stay alongside me
For a small while


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.