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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


My River of Life

Ho ‘ river of life
I dipped my toe ,
I remember,
swirling delight,
Bubbles in French champagne,
It tickled
it seduced
it sang me to sleep
Running down my face like a veil of rainbows,
ever lapping waves,
forever without end,
this was life.

I bathed in its pure waters
ever young and gay
The years went by and day by day
Thinking youth is surely here to stay.


a house of snowflakes
under a saharan sun
bespeaks sanity

Packing Prayer

Come Beloved
as a strong wind
through my life
the wheat from the chaff
Help me
to love them both

the good
the bad
the everything
for it has brought me
brought me
to You

Aid me
in letting go
of all this
these things
these strings
and attachments

So there might be room
for nothing else
but Love
among these boxes

The Superior Moment (Prose Revision)

I tend to think in past and future.
My thoughts travel beyond the realm of this moment.
The superior moment is happening now.
The next moment is still in question, the past one is lost

My energy is wasted on what has happened and what will occur,
in the omnipotent future.
I can seize the now by living, loving and experience it,
without further thoughts of what was or will be.


Hey, Blackbird! Do you finally get the gist?
Are you ready to cut your wrist?
Or do you still think you're in control?

I'm sorry. But, it's too late to say you're missed.
Remember when we finally kissed?
Oh! How we thought we'd made the roll!

Let's face it. You'll forever be on my list.
I did enjoy our little tryst...
...."to continue" is what I wished, and missed.

One Day - Edited

Looking up at the autumn sky
peeking out behind the trees,
whose amber leaves looked even more brilliant
with the sun shining through them,
and I remembered a day like today.

A day where the air was crisp and cool
and filled our lungs with a freshness
that wasn't always there.
And I walked the trails with that one boy,
our shoulders lightly brushing against one another,
smiling to ourselves
as our friends raced around us.

Life That Leaves

A crooked smile upon my face,
I hear the water running.
You said the bathtub was dirty,
with Comet in your hand,
you scrubbed and scoured,
you plunged the drain.

Earlier I had asked you if you
wanted to hear my poetry,
but you said you weren't awake
enough yet.

Funny how these things happen
to poets,
to lovers,
and life
that leaves page after page
of discretion.

Once upon a time, I would have
loved the bathtub clean.
You can't have every thing it seems.

Poetic Tsunami,

Poetic Tsunami,


Dry droll the roll
the dreams are fallen off
the bed

and its time to wake the moll
slip her into pin stripe slacks
and get her moving
back on track

the shoes need shinning
waiting where they lay
tipped against the trimwork
of the hall

she runs a work of preparation
and we ration the goodwill
down the steps and at
the lights we part
behind the dark glasses
that hide our bleary sanity

God shall protect us
for he looks after all
drunks and fools


thought is as the wide endless firmament
the anima of void

creation as the clouds
formulating and dissipating throughout forever
painting sorrows and joys

i think therefore i am
existing in perpetuum within my own thought -
my own heaven or hell

and throughout the boundless empyrean of ideation
in this billowing vapour that is elapsing illusion
my spirit has free reign

but, no matter where the now
as the clouds cannot mark nor taint the sky
so, too, nothing manifested can stain my soul


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.