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Dry droll the roll
the dreams are fallen off
the bed

and its time to wake the moll
slip her into pin stripe slacks
and get her moving
back on track

the shoes need shinning
waiting where they lay
tipped against the trimwork
of the hall

she runs a work of preparation
and we ration the goodwill
down the steps and at
the lights we part
behind the dark glasses
that hide our bleary sanity

God shall protect us
for he looks after all
drunks and fools

the city swallows us whole
in brightness and action

Editing stage: 


that's my name for you - awesome esker

and this write is why that is my name for you
awesome esker
love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

been following you and your work
like I watch the crowds up here in my
city chumming and chatting at the
coffee houses My head filled with
poetry like phrases and whats going
on with my little family unit that we
keep Thats important to me first
foremost and then writing after

I read business sections of paper
and editorials that I like in my city
Maria Calebresi does great work
at the Nugget For the artistic
flair of this place there is no poetry
page some little flyers but nothing
like Neopoet No open mic and
certianly not in the coffee houses
Bigger cities only or more eclectic
towns I write little poems on
napkins and leave or sketchs
now and then

I love being able to come and sit
down and read some great poetry
and follow along the course of
works and every twenty four
hours write a poem

Thank You Judyanne for enjoying
the gift that God gave to me
this gift of natural ability to write
I never forget that I am just a man
faulted and imperfect
and my honour to him is to come
here and keep giving this away
for free
for poets to enjoy

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