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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



did she tremble as the stag horns burst through
icy, untouchable
pointing judgments of
the poet as housemaid
the laureate academic
collecting a pulitzer for his first dead wife's work
His best friend and true wife stood seven years
before ground sleeping pills and a gas oven
ate the air, the daughter too.....mouth open lips purple blue
did you get him back? He married a year later
Assia the Lilith of this tale.

I wonder

if in afterlife are you in tornado caterwaul with Sylvia


the departure

a solitary witness who
owned only three summers
said, ‘Nana's gone to sleep
and won't wake up’

displaying childhood's acceptance of
all things new
spoke nothing more of it

until, at the wake
in the deceased’s sunny kitchen
was heard to
whisper to
her siblings and cousins




Brief lightning

Halogen flash of feeling

too soon gone

not even an odor lingering

just moments made less savory

by rapid passage

Now I see spots

and the darkness is no longer comfortable

Confidential (Mindful Memorable #4)

 Before you
I was blind
I crawled and cried
as a child

my thoughts
were mere doubts,
inner shouts
that howled
and ground my awe

until when
you intruded
and diluted
my heart
in the world
of words' art
and in you. 


You kept me hidden in your heart
As we constructed our love, our art
We were dreamers and lovers, fighters and spies
But I remember once you awoke from a dream
You looked so deep into my eyes
Pulling me closer you said in my ear, “I am home”

Night's Beauty Rare's True Colors

I caught you in the afterglow
excitedly I squirmed,
a nervous cough
all bets are off
my suspicions are confirmed.

So now, that I am wondering
just what you're going to do,
I packed your stuff
it's going to be rough
guess you didn't think things through.

Fall and winter are coming soon
repeatedly I've said,
don't steal from me
and then, I see
my possessions hidden under the bed!

TIGER'S STRIPES ( memorable free form #2)

A curtain of false civility
like tall grass hides the predator
whose ripping teeth are veiled
by lips of greed
all the better to stalk

Don't mistake the gleam in laughing eyes
for a cheerful twinkle
humor masks the mirth of sizing up
an unsuspecting prey

Those who take him for a friend
taken in by feigning of good will
are merely meat in waiting
ear tagged for the cold locker
a meal for when greed's hunger
makes him drool
don't be that fool

Collecting Scraps of Wealth

It takes five broken cameras
to tell the story in pictures.
No one can hide the truth
by building a wall around it,
It takes one look into
a child's eyes to see the laughter
and the tears, to hear the
geese honking goodbye into the
silent winter of your heart.

Spitting Flies

Spitting Flies

I sit and spit whole flies on a dusty floor,
nothingness comes close but I soon reject
Particles are disturbed as the flies soar.
now, I believe those parts get my respect.

The day didn’t start good, soon got worse,
to many parts of my life keep shrinking.
Not as if we’re given a chance to rehearse,
why does a widget in a can get me thinking.

docents: the unkown global ambition

another aged vanity
another baby grand
another california king

these hovels each
a museum becomes
all replicated




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