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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


I didn't sleep again today
but that is my usual way
i might write giddily and sway
it doesn't mean I've gone away pattern :aaaa

So I'll get up and walk around
for no purpose i can see
my general premise isn't sound
but I'll be the best that I can be pattern : abab

so wash and eat
is a good start
and a resounding fart
represents a stunning feat pattern : abba

Quite the dare

Why do you do this to me
Have me lost in nauseating thoughts
Tell me to be strong while you
Take my ladder away

I’m hyperventilating
While you sit and watch
As if I’m a nobel prize

Why do I let you so close
I should have sirens going off
With marksmen ready to shoot
Instead I let you in
Like your my new neighbor

You don’t even have the audacity
To give me a reason
Instead you let my weakness
Enslave me

Cover your eyes...

Half the man he used to be
Mirrored face reality

Sagging jowls
Drooping chest

His eyes look like they need a rest

In his mind, he is eighteen
Mirror shows what they have seen

Muscles wasted
Gone away

No strength left, for him today

Memory is all that’s left
Not so keen or so deft

Once the lord
Of his domain

He’ll never be that way again


Lesl Fleurs Parlent
"look at me" said Magnolia tree
"my flowers big as plates!
the regal rose looked down her nose
said "probably what you ate."
The marigolds a rowdy crowd interjected thus
"pretty is as pretty does"
"oh pretty rose you'll rue your words"
"for you'll get snipped, not us."
the peonies hung heads so low
way down, as though confused
they should have been supported more

of roses

roses fade
but they never die...
they live in books
till end of time
help recall the moments
since lapsed,

Geezer's Poem (rhyme patterns 1)

Submitted by Geezer

Banging on the gong
Gets her heart to thumping
Before it is too long
Her body starts to jumping

He bangs away all night
She doesn’t mind a bit
Jill thinks that it’s alright
She hopes he doesn’t quit

Jack is really great
He keeps on like a bunny
His timing is first rate
He don’t do nothing funny

He just keeps on the beat
Never falters once
She's potatoes, he’s the meat
Jack’s no bumbling dunce


Spirits of the unborn wander
Homeless children as we were told
Their mission, to wreck families
By being born into this planet

They die unexpectedly young
The grieved mothers pleaded in turn
That the youngster should stay and share
The twilight meal with the living

You come with many infant faces
Asking for the impossible
Then hide behind the squeaking door
Mocking us with boastful vengeance

Why Do I Bother

Why do you criticize my words
When the purpose of my writing, you do not see
I write for all times and all things that be.
You reach out to my words and select.
Take those that belong to you
They are yours, and yours of mine

Yet you will say, they only lasted a short time
Then you did not need them longer
So return their meaning that is fine.
Why did I write them in order just so
That your eyes told your mind
To let them visit your soul.

LA FOI / FAITH :French/ English


Mon âme,
si c’est une âme
que j’ai.
souffre son existence
et tremble devant
son immortalité
cet inconnu
qui nous terrorise
ce silence
qui nous porte
aux genoux.


my soul
if that is what I have,
suffers its existence
and trembles before
its own immortality
this Unknown
that terrorizes
this Silence that
brings us
to our knees


A breath
the time of a sigh
the middle of
a blink
of an eye
a failure of synchronicity
in space and time…
we become
negative one


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.