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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Tomorrow May Never Come

..wandering around the city streets,
with filth covering your feet,
searching in trashcans for food to eat,
while the sun turns on it's heat.. ask for free porridge,
just to make way,
but the grown ups push you away,
and you end up discouraged..

..seeing the sad look in your face,
begging from people with white collared lace,
and as part of your life's phase
they discriminate your race..

why not? 2 (rhyme patterns final edit)

it doesn’t seem You wish to answer my request
I wonder what has caused You to desire to taunt
the perky breasts I asked for are too gaunt to flaunt
though everybody says You always do your best

they say for You to grant exactly what we ask
we merely have to order it and we’ll receive
I don’t remember asking for them to my knees
just what was so damn difficult about the task?

test 4


THE ISLE OF MAY By Ian Thomson

Weekend break with friends, we travel
To the place I spent my youth
Beaches; sand and rock and gravel,
Villages with pan tile roofs.

Arrive in Anstruther - it's raining
Waves are breaking on sea - wall,
Same all over, no complaining
Scottish summer? dodging squalls!

Saturday we walk the coast path,
In the rain to Elie bay
Cheering up with Sunday forecast,
Dull but dry for Isle of May!


The Christian In You

Humble like a Sunday afternoon,
Smiling while the hours bloom;
Sweetie, you are lovely indeed,
A creation of woman, God made complete.

Righteous once you have awaken,
Testimony with trouble you’ve undertaken…

To witness you pray yourself asleep
Is a blessing beyond any other feat…

The Christian in you
That makes you so sexy,
Every time I am with you
I praise God for He’s blessed me.

The Christian in you.


it’s nice
an evening outdoors for the first time in a long time
what with winter being so very wet this year
and so very cold
spring’s coming
its essence tantalises expectation of
jasmine and wattle and amenity


Twists and turns
ragged edges
and right angles
circles broken
into perpendicular
chaotic serendipity
chance or destiny
then suddenly
life’s madness
breaking into bleeding
or fandango….

modernization feat

my ignorance of self….. my desire to manifest ….the wisdom
which I have not …but profess
hope to throw teachings across the web… makes my
and those who have me read… smile at my thoughts …all astound
As one goes round and around… they fetch a smirk upon frowns
with smiles galore… some laugh …some roll on the floor
till I have had my ravishing fill...I shan’t administer you…
with the desired pill...
But then it’s me they say… what of others can one display...
thoughts evoke an interest in some

e n t w i c k l u n g s n j m m e r


the hard bargain of love's road
beneath the savage velvet of the moon
the candle gutter gloom

we picked our pockets of silver
and toxin
licked our lips with sated

the careless boost
our hearts loosed
we spun like sparks
beneath the stars
we lived like boars
made love like Czars

the fires quenched
the days roamed past
the palsy trembles do
hold me fast

Now (Rhyming Patterns workshop revision 1)

Now (Rhyming Patterns workshop revision 1 Ron BlueDemon77)

A Rhyme pattern workshop it is indeed
to help us to germinate a small seed
to guage precision when limits are set
it can help this poem, many more yet!

A classroom, a guideline for each of us
meant as a forum where we can discuss
form poems that teach us disciplined craft
free style is still there the classicist laughed


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.