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A harrowing drive on the Schuylkill Expressway

(route 76) both heading into
(and a small number of hours later
exiting) center city Philadelphia
to Schwenksville on May 19th, 2024.

The value of light!

A brilliant light is shining
in the evening sky
Wayfarers on the highway
stop to question why?
A new star has arisen
and what might this imply?
An omen of good fortune
or a comet passing by?
Light in all its forms is good
for seeing eye to eye.
Because it is discernible
and brings the heavens nigh!
The spirit burns within my soul
on this I will rely!
And share the warmth within my heart
received from Him on high!

Something to Say

They say the Colossus of Memnon hasn't sung
or made a sound now for a very long time.
The one to the right is said to have had the gift.

Maybe it has nothing more to say.
Or perhaps there’s a fault in the ancient stone.
Its companion to the left, has been forever silent on the matter.

I can’t sing, but I don’t have the complaints
of these ancient stones, so I write lyrics for you all the time.
I couldn't imagine no longer having something to say.

Who I Am

I am a futile speck of dust in an ever-expanding cosmos

I am the missing link in an ever-evolving dying species

I am a sliver of light unable to escape the black hole

I am a dead thought in the back of an unstable mind

I am an echo of an unheard voice from long ago

I am the broken umbilical cord between the Sun and Moon

I am the dying son descended from a line of death

I am the destiny of a fractured past embodied in one

I am a dried recollection in a desert of hopeless dreamers

This is who I am


where is the portal,
The magnificent arch,
That we seem always
To enter by artifice?

What is this integument
To integrity
That wit falls to whit?

Will the viscera of truth
Remain emblazoned
canopic jars?

Will the jar forever rule
Its contents?

O multi-faced man,
When to know the star
Rising above the arched dome!

Royalty Gone Bad...

I was locked in the basement without any light
Chained to the furnace since Saturday night
A small bowl of dogfood, a bit of warm water
I was paying my penance, just like I oughta

I made the mistake, of not paying attention
The Queen took my silence, for a transgression
Which would it be, sharp whips or cold chains?
I smelled in the dark... the floor's bloody stains

Silence reigns supreme in my reich

No don (except me)
doth trumpet within the aborted
barren reach of freedoms within expansive realm,
I annexed courtesy manifest destiny,
which peoples now inhabiting said jurisdiction
circumscribed by following coordinates -
Latitude: 40° 16' 22.20" N
Longitude: -75° 29' 29.39" W
and for better or worse

Shrinking Man

In the rain, I become a shrinking man

With tiny, tiny feet and little, little hands

My eyes get so small they cannot cry

My mouth gets so minuscule it cannot lie

I get so small my clothes no longer fit

My fingernails become itty bitty bits

My legs can no longer take a stride

My brain's thoughts can no longer hide

I know I should not walk again in the rain

But if I do not, how will I wash away my pain


Peace is to be quiet.
Longer, sharp fingers, find.
Easily, quiet.


in between the fingers,

my two eyes.


Artimind - the state of the mind during quiet.

The past

Please remember me,
I'm not forcing you,
But please, somehow do.
I wish you could,
Because my heart can't bear
This agony,
This pain,
And the thought of you
Not remembering me at all,
Not knowing me at all.
So please,
Recognize me,
So that I won't be
Insignificant anymore.


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