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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


From beginning to end!

Caught up in a moment
of internal bliss
Emotions stumble
now something’s amiss
Tears fill your eyes
from the darkened abyss
Your soul is in shambles
can you tolerate this!
Your dreams have been crushed,
but still you exist
You have nowhere to go
and you can't get a grip
Time is at standstill
an unmanageable trip
You look to the heavens
for some menial sign
Nothing is coming
can't cough up a line
The future self-evident
a chill runs up your spine

After the Dance

They took a walk on a Friday night,
Along the beach ‘neath a full moon light.
They had a seat by the old oak tree,
Her head on his shoulder, his hand on her knee

They talked about their hopes and dreams,
And then he talked her right out of her jeans.
Two young lovers just doing what they do,
She was eighteen, he was twenty-two.

He walked her home as she knew he would,
And in the doorway her father stood.
He said, “Hello dear, how was the dance?”
As she tucked her shirt back into her pants.

Outward slovenly appearance bespeaks volumes
wordsworth their weight in gold
(exhumed from the pith
of these lovely bones -
beclothed with mottled skin)
presages afterlife of hellish horror
(think Dante's inferno),
nevertheless a respite from earthly torture
wracking mein kampf since conception.

Was it easy?

Was it so simple
To wipe me from your life,
Like dust from a shelf?
To erase the memories
Of our enchanting moments
Like a pencil mark on a paper?
To fracture my heart into countless pieces,
Until not even a shard remained
While silent rivers
Flowed down my cheeks?
To make me feel
Like my lungs
Once steady sails of breath,
Now caught in the tempest's grip?
Was it so effortless
To depart without farewell?


Awaken, the dawn is breaking
the pools of tears forsaken
The night was dark and long,
but morning now has come
to teach you a new song
and join the heavenly throng
unending seemed your quest,
but now you've passed the test
your suffering no longer
your confidence grows stronger
you've done your very best
enter into His rest!

Brick by Brick

You spent so much time trying.
Hoping to get your family to be
who you wanted them to be.

But some of them would never become
who you wanted them desperately to be.
Inflicting untouchable hurt that love applies so deftly.

Finally, the sting let you go to re-build with family
and friends who’ve always been there with you.
Exactly the home you’ve needed all along.


Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

We carry the weight
Of war, hunger, warming and violence.
Of disease, tragedy and hate.

And it leaves us weary.

But then,
We see children chase bubbles.
Humans fly rocket ships out of our atmosphere.
Youth march in the streets for a better tomorrow.
Art that takes our breath away.

And it reignites that little spark.

Written June 26, 2024
© 2024 Kelly Ann Wilson

My First Internet Memory-Google Search

My first internet memory
this brings me to the
introduction of the
tutorial study through
the google online
surfing with the
fascinating of
opportunity to acquire
for a learning desire in
a science technology
of today’s global world
This interest starts from the
online searching to discover
unlimited learning ability tools
like an encyclopedia collection
with the resource information
for one share a broad
knowledge of understanding
through the adventure of

Mistress In The Closet

Holding the derringer,
through the peep hole she spied,
her woeful tears now had dried,
turned full of rage over loose lips that lied.

His fingers now trace the curves of another.
Though she was aware from the start,
it didn't stop him from stealing her heart.
Until suddenly, their ways did part.

Silently, she watched from her hiding place,
the other's eyes so sinfully blue,
the mistress wondered how she'd do,
with a bullet to that beautiful face.

Deal with it!

No whining, or crying or pitching a fit
we are no longer able
to tolerate it
You say it's depression,
but we want you just to quit
Speaking in anger
it does us no good
Your illness incurable,
but we won't accommodate it
So pull your big boots on
and get on with it!
Put on a good face
and act like you should
Accomplish something, anything
doesn’t it make you feel good?
You can't sullenly sit there
without taking a hit
So get up out of bed
and deal with it!


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.