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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



of meditation
Many times out of my own minds common knowledge, over the years I have preached meditation as one’s mind flows all over the immense vastness of wilderness at lightning speed. Thoughts only spread far and wide rapidly and without the human minds control. It’s then we must need to concentrate our thoughts at a place and attend to the task in hand .Many times that does not happen .At such times we need greater attention and to concentrate our thoughts we need to utter some words of intent .A simple a line or a psalm ,but very brief like an

A poem to Your Childhood Self...

"Hey Guy!"

What? [looking around]

"It's me, your older self"

Ummmm, yeah? Who is this really?

"It's me, yourself, really"

Okay, suppose I believe you, what do you want?

I want you to believe
that there is always hope
that no matter how dark the day
It won't stay that way, nope

If you have a problem
we can work it out
I'll always be there for you
you won't have to shout

The Sky has no Limit

Swimming, swimming, swimming in clouds,
The soft, plump, snowy white rounds
Of large and small and all different shapes,
The white fluffy cotton balls shaded opaque.

Where the sky meets it’s limit b’tween soil and stars,
Is where I lie in the blue, that’s my path.
And there I follow the orbit’s flow
For gravity doesn’t exist in this zone.

And I row and row in the milky horizon,
Wondering what has been seen with my eyes and
How I came to be up so high.
The heavens so close that I could cry


ideas can spread like cancer good or bad to combat this think more objectively
think of people who love the way you are if you have strict or demeaning parents or relatives
dont let that change you to change ideas or conceptionsof people you know or friends
just say something positive forget about high school and things like appearance

I Always Think Of You

I didn't know what to expect when I first met you
I never met someone quite like you
so down to earth so tried and true
and even though you may not think so yourself
as i've told you before i find you quite sexy too
I hope i'm not being too forward when i say this
but i do want to pursue things with you
I know i tend to get quite around you at times
trust me when i say it's not you
I've had my heart broken a time or two
it's hard to trust someone new this so soon


A time is coming
when men will no longer
beat their wives
but only to cherish and adore them

A time is coming
when women will have the authority
and take charge of the people
and all will be served better

A time is coming
when women's femininity
will now blend into men's masculinity
because she had endured a lot

A time is coming
when women will no longer be
a second-class citizen
but a first-class citizen


Absent of nuances
The secret of life is such…
A person may own their actions
Or be owned by reactions
The choice is solely theirs
Living forever within the
Infinitesimally small elapses of time
Between the feeling of emotion
And displays of reaction

IF You Knew Her You Would Know (Maestro Moon)

If you knew her you would know
The moon that played her in its light
Made cello ripe and fecund
And the timbre, mellow in response,
Gave birth to this, her plaintive tune,
That she's an instrument of the maestro's touch
But not her own.

So robbed of the harmony between her strings
She props herself on one long spike
Between his legs and lets him play
Instead of playing on her strings
Her own melodic sweet refrain.

Immerse yourself into this realm of poetry -
move within the rhythm
play with the rhyme
dissect each pause and period
study the style, form, and structure
dissolve into what you read
absorb and ingest its energy

While here, you shall meet poets -
dreamers, realists
sages, discoverers
protesters, peacemakers
messengers of a world
unpolished and bold

Lovers of the written word
voices of the spoken word
travelers in the passionate
paradise of verse and rhyme


i dont allways like falling asleep think about what i could have done or just love being wake
sometimes with alot of coffee i also get deeply deppresed over reationships that didnt work out
one did workn out beautifull together every day all day for thirty years right now age66 no realtionship i also think i could have a college degree and i daydream of young blondes
with atleast some college


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