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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Gone in a Minute

Feel the wave begin to swell
External stimuli recede
Into cresting tide of self
Robbing you of what you need

I may be rolled under the break
Tumbled in the mighty salt
Embarrassed now, I look around
Knowing that is was my fault

If I see the wave approach
Do not fight, just take a breath
Try and float and let it pass
Save my ego from this death

turning towards the forlorn face of fear

No time to
turn back
and bashfully
burn away
from the
fumes of fear .
no one is
near to wipe
away each
and every
tender tear .
in this life
there still
lies a chance .
Always lurking
within the
dying depths
of darkness .
Wistfully waiting
to spark a
lone luscious light
of half hummed hope.
onto a
reluctant royal
that like a ravine

The Night Sun

We are on the verge of pain
Since we had followed our greed
To the corner of their mouths
Where lies live
With the coloured papers our fathers were sold
To the anthill of the savanna.

Under the sun, we spread their names on the walls
To convince our brothers and sisters
With the sweet words of their mouths.

Under the rain, we danced to their music
When the trumpeters called out our mothers
To the villages’ square
To sweep the market places with their voices and feet.


In the darkness of the most ethereal night
my mind takes a flight
to snuggle up and sleep tight
but for the disturbances
'twixt the mid of night

eyes at midnight open wide
am I asleep or in a dream

far distant music I hear
many a loved poet does me endear
vouch that the voice of an angel
comes alive as if
God were the lone musician.

just passed mid night
darkness is as bright as is
under a candle...a lantern

The Pumpkin Patch...

The rustle of the vines
and the whisper of the leaves
The Peanut gang is hiding
with shaking, weakened knees

Waitng for the Great Pumpkin
to see if he exists
Lucy holds on to Schroder
trying to steal a kiss

The moon is full and yellow
an alley-cat does yowl
Snoopy makes a joke
does a werewolf howl

Lucy's had enough of this
she runs off down the street
The peanut gang is following
They want to live to Trick or Treat

Trapped In Privilege

Everyone likes to talk about the openly oppressed, the accused and the accuser,
But what about the black children forced into a life full of solitary confinement slapped with a label of privileged
You are white, enough
They cheered
Straighten my hair not for looks, and not for myself
But to blend in, be contained and quiet
Curly hair pinned and brushed beyond repair,
Sitting in the hairdressers while they lather concoctions to ‘keep those curls away, and to ‘tame the frizz’
Shunned from my aunties black owned hair salon


some or most of my life i felt kind of strange out of place except when i was in europe frankfort and paris vienna geneva london my childhood in ann arbor michigan was mostly normal a little strange
seeing interesting things in the field woods i have been living most of my life in halfway houses for the mentally ill normal society like cars babies dogs seems so strange to me i could have had that and a career i have some or mostly perceived hings as real and unreal ilusory

Reflecting On You

Breathing as a weakness in your imagination
Electric bodies beside the tide, retracting
The words still lingering on your lips
Naturally watching mistakes made

The lapping water remaining in my memories
Drinking the darkness before the fall
The restlessness of the moon above
Swallowed by your reflections


on crowded highways civilization flows
a stream of mercury that gleams,
thick, it goes heavy and rather slow,
a silver unraveling,
highly toxic
but at times, quite captivating.

After Dinner Mints

All the noise and clamor blares
The brink is close at hand
Even on my best of days
It’s more than I can stand

I throw myself upon the coals
The dinners and the baths
Bickering through homework now
The science and the maths

One day I’ll kill the car seat
Cold blooded, first degree
Those f**king things for thirteen years
My back just simply won’t agree

Crass overstimulation
So now I’ll isolate
Perhaps just far enough away
That I can finally concentrate


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.