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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.




Sidling up to us with perfect timing
She caught his eye, ready to wander
His view switched to her fully engaged
My tongue suddenly tasted as if well aged
Could this be how a war might be waged
I saw my boss calling me from over yonder
His unstructured verse needed no rhyming

Small Steps

Retraction of envious intentions
Being void from ill-felt contentions
Losing the self in a meditative moment
A bruised past flaking away

The temporariness - none worth the sourness
To delicately embroider into a spectacular piece
A once silent recognition, now spoken
Birthing to a brighter future

Hello young Julie

Dear Julie,
I have alot to say. For you are getting older every day.
You'll have so much fun being young, shall
I tell you what's to come?
You'll have a good life but you will have to fight
for it. There will be challenges this is true
but you will make it through.
There will be many good times and blessings to come. Your fun has just begun.
You're sixty one now, smart and wise.
You've been through some rough times,
but you survived!
So I just wanted to say hi, don't change a


Hidden and wild and sacred:
My thoughts.

Too cruel to be spoken
from the mouth of the innocent.

Too weak to be borne
from the heart that has endured.

Too loving to share with those
who will surely use them against me.

I write by my own hand
for if it were my voice
it would steadily tremble,
mumbled out of uncertainty,
stuttered and unsure.

Written on paper with pen,
my words are unshaken.

Overdue Words To My Childhood Self

Hello, Kid,
Sit a spell, slow down and relax.
Breathe in and out...and again.
Now listen to me, and listen good.
Nothing is going to be perfect.
Not your hair, your clothes,
your self-esteem, your image.
Not your future marriage, nor your children.
Not even you, though you endlessly try.
Give it up, and instead embrace life's imperfections.
A word (or two) of strong advice -
Listen to the lovely sound of your
mother's voice in the next room,

a poem for you

I said I would write a poem for you
And you said that’d be nice
But I’ve thought,
And thought some more
And walked the room till my heart grew sore
I sat with my head on the floor
And squeezed the sides of my nose
And watched the words dribble
And questioned who we are
When you say you don’t need me
And I say how that shouldn’t be true
But true to you, who am I if not needed
And this love poem isn’t needed
but I feel needed
As a pillow for your sorrows
The ones I swallow with need,


clouds fold like pancakes we eat with our eyes time flips over like we flip pancakes the sun is ablob of butter thin cloudesoil for pancakes thick clouds slow time down thin clouds faster the sunset like
strawberries on the pancakes rain the sparks from the pan snow sugar on the pancakes


Why am I always sad?
No matter what I’m doing, saying,
Literally nothing would help me

Answer my

Why am I so scared of losing them?
Why must my body force me to be social?
What did I do to deserve this?
I’ve been so good.
Where are my answers?


Those who love pets
dogs are better than human
they feel silently

but can't speak
convey emotions
ask the dead ones
who see their pets walking besides
master gone

May now we
Rest in
I above
you still

This Addiction

One Kira Noir,
With some Riley Reid,
I know they're not real,
But they're real to me

Indulged in the vice,
Since the age of twelve,
Preacher preached sermon,
"You're going to hell"

Enticing allure,
Calling quietly,
"A little bit more,
Last time you'll see"

What is all of hope,
Trapped in misery,
Washed with bloody cloth,
Rinsed in secrecy

Natural or not,
It feels like prison,
Nothing free about,
This indecision


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.