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Sidling up to us with perfect timing
She caught his eye, ready to wander
His view switched to her fully engaged
My tongue suddenly tasted as if well aged
Could this be how a war might be waged
I saw my boss calling me from over yonder
His unstructured verse needed no rhyming

As I crossed the room I glanced back
I saw her smile and then move in close
He too like clockwork, reciprocated
That meeting appeared unanticipated
And with her, he seemed fascinated
Soon to hear my boss jokes was gross
Yet she was clearly on a single track

It was her of course, I should have guessed
The one about whom I was warned about
Known back in the office as the lady in red
By now she would have known many a bed
And capturing more hearts than any head
Any victory of hers looked more like a rout
Her faultless approach would pass any test

When I returned, she was well underway
He clearly was falling under her spell
That giggle and light touch on his arm
Could any man ever deny she had charm
But how could relationships come to harm
Strong emotions at times are hard to quell
But it’s a trail of tears at the end of the day

He even succumbed to a dance invitation
I was left there standing, feeling stunned
He came back eventually, a face I knew
He’d told her that it was only about us two
She accepted defeat gracefully, a mature view
Is this is how she felt, when clearly outgunned
So she left and nodded as if in supplication

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Super rhyme pattern. Always takes awhile to see it but it makes the second read through really interesting when you’re expecting the rhyme and you deliver. Super cool.


Majestic flight of feather. A light read.

"By virtue of creativity, my literary genre is poetry".


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