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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



a train of a billion ravenous centipedes
circles the earth every morning
looking for their next meal.
each minute,
a helpless prey is drawn into this mass,
ripped into pieces for consumption
before the metamorphosis.
then a cocoon for shelter,
a carapace for skin,
a mandible for lips.
emerges another insect to wander
slithering beneath office tables at night,
and hard-to-clean spaces,
at extra cold storage rooms when no one else is looking,
on scrap piles illuminated by city lights

Come High Water (collaborative workshop #8)

Yes, of course I heard the message,
blasting from the bullhorn–
Evacuate, evacuate!
I bought this house during Watergate;
here I’ve made my life;
here my babes were born–
so if If you think some blustering storm
will make me run away–
you don’t know me very well.
Let those winds blow my roof
into the swelling bay,
let the tides knock down my walls,
and swallow all I own–even if I’m all alone–
this is where I’ll stay!
Come high water, come hot hell,
this is where I’ll stay!


When you are young, full of expectation,
Bright-eyed and hopeful of all things to come,
Everyone tells you the world is your oyster,
Break free, don’t depend on your dad and mum.

Then decades later you look back on your life,
Reminiscent of all things that could have been,
Regret inevitably gets under your skin,
Comparing what’s yet to see and the seen.

Time finally shows you who is the boss,
No paths left to tread, no races to run.
„Oyster is your world“ is closer to truth,
Most things will never be seen nor done.


As the leaves let go their branches
Into their graceful twirling dance
Touching ground to find new purpose
Their death is but a second chance

Soon the snows will blanket forests
Cover hands now cracked and dry
Beneath a white and sliver carpet
Delivered to them from the sky

Upon the ground the years do pile
Becoming soul food for the tree
Like the leaves keep yearly dropping
Emotions keep escaping me


inbetween people and objects is transformations to prepare for the next realities
like days of the week like in the park between trees something in the air
birds anmals insects experience this the interplay sunshine and leaves shadows
expectation different than realites in the summer morning fog

Tides of passage

So much water has passed under the bridge
With it a part of me
Her soul drifted with the tides
Now in conclave with my father

Tales of ancestors are now sweeter
Rites of passage with a touch of your hands
Not one that ashed immigrants denigrated
Morning yet on creation day
Achebe's rebuttal
Of their vague distortion of our past

My prayer with you in mind
More potent than beckoning their ancestry
Whose hands we never shook
Or knew our pains or our laughter


We all dance in the nude almost …
show all our assets ...most …
the drum beats mostly…
in synchronicity ….
we show ...everything....

…people watch us intently …
we dance …
in our bikinis ....…
then someone pranks...
...loosens the threads...
as we hold on to not…
these let go----------
them drop almost…

we enjoy dancing …
as men run along
we continue to dance ….

Invitation to Party at Killer's...

Killer's footsteps whispered softly
Anubis padded close behind
They're tired from their hunting
Their prey was hard to find

But their sack was full of meat
Stripped from a body warm
A bloody trail dripped to the street
Left behind... a broken form

The moon was full and yellow
Halloween is on the morrow
A party planned for friends and family
Chairs needed to be borrowed

The band was practicing their line-up
Some dirges after dark
Rock and Roll, and holiday tunes
A new one, Baby Shark!


How beautiful is your heart so clean
I'll forever rest in the arms of your love
gazing into your eyes electrifies me
I'm now fully charged with longing

you're the ideal woman I have long for
your awesomeness is incomparable
my dream has finally come to fruition
I'm now boasting like a lion's manes

I've sincerely taken a dominion of love
nothing else could stop this friendship
we're formidable - no one can break us
for the unity of love binds us in great joy



It is the time of year
that I lean on the ground
the leaves of the trees only
they hug me as they die late

On all paths
fingers shared
People still
they are fighting each other divided

In the colors of passions
and sufferings
in the vast wild sea
without following one
bank, the rainbows in vain
they fragment

In a bud that
bursts impatiently
and in the voices of the heron
in an Eternal Escape the beauty
they ask trapped


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.