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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



I know deep down that I have a very dark soul

I am branded by everyone everywhere I go

Whenever people they first take a look at me

All they can seem to see is my dual personality

People always like me when I first do arrive

When I leave, they all wish that I were not alive

They do not hate me as much as I hate myself

I do not love myself; how can I love anyone else

As time goes driving by, I know that eventually

I will end up under the grass where I am meant to be


We are born in gaseous nebulas
Ethereal vapors too beautiful for eyes
Yet this fabric must collapse
In order to birth you, a star
Massive energy neatly compressed
Into a beacon of gorgeous fire
From distances vast they appear
Twinkling dew drops on a black canopy
We gaze up in awe and wonder
Never knowing the incredible forces
Residing under the radiant surface
A fusion of ideas continuously churns
Inside the star the ideas become heavy
Dense ideas bring the threat of implosion

Poem without a Verb

3 lines almost too long
for the attention span
of an excited gnat

What Tomorrow Brings

One step forward, no step back
Unimagined from the uncharted track
To heal, to hope, find peace in me
And breathe, and soar, and finally dream

I’m my own voice, I won’t be silenced
Break free from troubling wails of violence
Forgotten pasts that linger, shadow
Resurfaced warnings that encompass tomorrow



I feel good when I have church
there in those lumps of tree roots
up against the big oak’s trunk
forming a seat of a sort….
where both Jesus, and God
can place pundits in my mind as if there was no other influence
no interference with openness to reception.

I do not necessarily get this time
the special pace for Vipassanā
by being told how to believe
from a man or woman wearing a funny hat
behind a fancy music stand.

A Bloodstain and a Bubble Bath

My root chakra is a tail light. I drove
around at night, when I could hunt the zo-
diac for shooting stars, or the horsehead
nebula & observe objects of in-
rerstellar origins

whose carcasses aren’t yet apparent to
telescopic lense. I’m miles from him and


Pythia, Oracle of Delphi,
In morning glow I come to you,
Bearing the gift of my heart,
Through blazing words of poets and madmen,
Who have been touched by love,

You look away,
As rays of warmth surround us,
Then you speak,
"I wish not to be your lover,
As even a jeweled palace built on sand,
Will surely sink,"

Her words fall like stones,
Upon my fragile heart,
"I have foreseen our love and its end,
As you will lay dying in my arms,
By your own hand from my regretful affair."


the earth is like a balloon when we walk we make indentations barely notic
on the balloon we actually create time our stomachs like balloons change shape wiith gravity
time would not exist without beings perceiving it we are mostly water from the
ocean this is like the Waves are our emotions our heads kind of like Barnacles or a liighthouse lights like our eyesin thecity we are like foxes slipping in between time and birds people sitting in outdoor cafes or talking in a corner


You're the mother of the world,
All respect, honor is given to you.
Everyman's life is a trace from you;
Your fertilization with embryo has
brought our initial developments.

You're the womb of humanity,
You carried all and sundry,
And delivered us all safely.
And that's why we're alive today.
If not you, men wouldn't have been.

Food for Thoughts

It’s true this world will grind you down
Obstruct you in so many ways
Depress you firmly to the ground
Like being lost inside a maze
Steal the love and joy away
Sweep the rug out from your legs
Considering these things I say,
“Bring me coffee, bacon, eggs”


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