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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



I speak no more
just to lure
want to know me
First be sure

not ashore

Speak no more
but do persist
your love is
much more

A Bitter Terror That Hides In The Cold

By this unhinged craziness - I sing praises to dead rabbits.
Embodied by the craven of sin, their whispers exist in me.
No dawn can avert me, just leave me here in this forbidding place.
All I want is this noesis to leave me on this crest of soaring Alps.



The lake is long, from South to North
Magnificent mountains rise on each side
White misty clouds hover along the peaks
But to all here, it is the water that speaks
Neutrality will always be the chosen bride
And pride in a future, when going forth


Dress my drumming frost covered heart
In the bones of old oak and maple and birch
Take me outside for wet autumn walk
Although it’s myself who’s the subject of search

The rains are taking down with them the leaves
Soon the cold snow will garnish the scene
Here I stand drinking the draught of it all
Wondering what it could possibly mean

There are beautiful things a person can know
Some secrets though, can never be found
While others require the seeker to lift
Their gaze to the sky and away from the ground

A Sonny Disposition

A Sonny Disposition

Awoken by the Sun, no alarm clock needed
And no need for Westminster chimes
Sonny gets up and like clockwork’s reminded
That curtains waste valuable time

Sonny’s disposition is as sunny as his name
No melancholy viewpoints, no cause to complain
With rose-tinted glasses, of life he’s not tired
Forever optimistic - the way his brain’s wired

Sullen silken star

Stiffly staring
from a faded
frightened far
is a sullen
silken star .
scattered behind
it’s skittish
skin of scolded
scowling scars.
For a life
cleansed in
candlelight .

Oh, Love

Oh, love let me be your fire and one desire always.
Let me bask alone with you in this glorious season.
Do I need to give the reason for my devotedness?

A SIjo Poem from Korea

What do you feel

what you feel when you are free?
is it sparkle of a glee?
is it something you can smell?
or it’s some kind of spell?
can you feel a wind inside
let it wonder through your mind?
let the sun cover your face
dreams just running their pace
In your blood the calm of sea
have no borders just let be
feeling free to choose your way
life is game you can play

Monster Under The Bed

Invisible by day
Though never far
You; naive and unsuspecting
Me; ever watching, ever plotting

I am....

The creaky floor beneath your feet
The foods that you just shouldn't eat
The regrets you can't shake
The monster under the bed that you make

Night time is play time
Shape shifting into your soul
Stealing your dreams
Releasing your own personal hell

I am...

Bitter Loneliness

Presence of solitude
by time's revelation
mystifies unrequited lovers
why me alone

is time my friend
an enemy
tell me

silence of desolation
like an oasis in the deserted wilderness
every moment mirages are born

travelers move forwards
hope their thirst will be quenched
for a wee moment

clock like sun looks ahead and moves beyond the past
passed... now you too
just move as fast


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.