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24 July

LIke a rockslide, tiny cracks at first,
then fissures. a slight rumbling and then...

A glance ignored, a call not answered.
Surprised life slides by,
reflected in a window,
or seen for a moment,
a woman lost in thought,
until the lights change and she's gone.

Lorikeets chatter outside
where my favourite gum tree is dying,
dying so slowly, I didn't notice
until a friend pointed it out.

My drawings of it like selfies.


If I were a poet
and could write in a fine hand
I'd pen my love a poem
only she would understand

I'd compose it down at the shore
where the waves always come back to me,
like my reflections of her

The First Time

With time I understood
What it was I gave there
In the bewildered dark
As my innocence closed her eyes
Shed her maiden skin
And rose above the canopy
Her released wings unfolding
Waving farewell to me



A knock on the door, she was early, perhaps late
From two centuries ago, she was actually here
A young Princess, a famous Queen soon to be
Sitting down demurely at the small dining table
With slight German accent, but still well spoken
An appetite seemingly held in reserve this night
When a friend asked if she was ready to rule
In silence, she smiled and nodded with grace
But her powerful determination was very clear
A modern woman for the age, but eager to learn


Dust choked mirror reflects dark sunken
orbs beneath crescent moon halves
mutated skin wrists hang from frail
fractured limbs of tormented sinew

I've been here before & I know the routine
I've seen this before & I know what it means

Luna disc penetrates silver shards
across splintered boards of decline
concentric circles of aching frown sends
ripped muscles into relentless spasm

Highway 66

Down near Highway 50
I’m flying South,
My tires came off in the North.
And East is running,
And West was shot down.
I forgot I was here,
When was I ever,
On highway 60
With the bones of society,
With the pope's lips of piety
Stomping on highway 40
Where brown and white infants lay,
Where president’s tap, tap
On a child astray
Through to the West,
Not quite South,
Not quite East.
I’m on the road with the priest,
To pray for his sins

Sick of Turkey

There once was a man named Perkey,
He spent his life eating just turkey.
he got his sharpened knife,
and slaughtered his careless wife.
Now, he's sick of eating jerky.


I know what it is to feel alone
Like the first star in the universe
Anxiously burning; solitary
Waiting in bright anticipation
Longing for yet nascent kin

When I wake up in the morning

Enjoy the day as it comes
with joy and appreciation
from sunlight to dawn
each minute to an hour
embrace as it is your last
with no regrets for better or worst
cherish each precious moment
with each day that God brings you
with your counting blessing
with each hour that we breathe
with each memory, we form
with each step that we take
Live your life to the fullest
and make the best out of it
Karma is the seed that you sow
like a flower that you plant
from day one of your birth

predestined or free will

people seem to know most of the future, but we still ask questions
mostly the future of photographs in our mind some people you have like talked on the phone but never met or love work emotions we still ask questions that's idealism of change or the same


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.