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Where the vine has grown

Grimly grown
Into the
being alone.
Within this
wistful world
woefully willing
to wear itself down.
In order to be
branded as
something of
your own .

To Be Loved Endlessly

On an old wooden bench
Slats barely in tact
Beneath the weeping willow
An elderly couple sat

He was bald with many wrinkles
While silver streaks glazed her once raven head
Hands clasped together, whispering to each other
What a miraculous sight to see

Their smiles told of years gone by
Through the sad and the glad
What a miraculous feeling
To be loved endlessly

Arbor Day

The Angel Tree
April 26
Arbor Day

A tree that last through the years,
Like the Angel Tree with sprawling roots,
A hundred years old,
With weathered bark.
It's stood through many a storm
In Carolina the home of my birth.
The tourist come to give a look!


The safety of man kind would have been in trouble
But thank God the men were not, for if they were
There wouldn't have been a survivor existing
The rage of men are so severe against their foes

If men were God all would be buying life
We would line up in queue dragging line
Men's intentions always wanted to dominate
Control and exercise their selfish ambitions

Waiting (Steven's blurb)

Waiting for the waiting to end.
Why am I waiting?

(a thought from my Steven)

Tales Of Ancient Greece : Dryad

In rainy night,
Erifanos laid sleeping peacefully in his bed,
Until he was jolted from his dreams,
By loud banging at his door,
In a haze of grogginess,
But with enough sense to enquire he asked,
"Who's there?"
The banging turned to feverish clawing,
As he took a step back,
"It's me! Open up!" His wife's voice rang out,
Panicked and desperate,
Erifanos was perplexed as to why she was locked out,
And was about to unlock the door,
When from the next room,


My wife as my heroine
Shines bright and stands tall
The mountains of trouble
She tackles it all

There’s bills and the kids
It’s busy, this life
An emotional husband
Obsessed with his wife

There’s also career
She’s a chick with a plan
Cares for her colleagues
As well as her man

She’s funny, that smile
So quick with her jokes
Uses her guile
To lift up her folks

She holds and protects
The strings of my heart
Forgives my transgressions
Provides a new start


Autumn comes to all living beings
including animals birds and bees...
albeit timed differently,

but season's autumns
are more or less
this year's autumn was different
it missed time...

winter came around
rather suddenly
after a while autumn
again took over the siege

hear me
just let me play
with my colorful leaves
let me enlighten thee...

I am autumn
know all ye

A Game of Human, Cat and Mouse

Human, Cat and Mouse

An apparent social stratification
Is reversed, on this rare occasion
That takes place, in a certain house
With a game of human, cat and mouse

The human lays a trap with care
With the hope, the mouse, it will ensnare
Lurking near, the cat does wait
For the mouse to catch the cheesy bait

The cat may be large and have sharp claws
But it’s not so good when there are holes in the walls
The size of a mouse and not of a cat
So, the cheesy bait’s not the only trap

The broken bottle

The timid tenderness of her humble
hand hurriedly hushing all those invigorated voices
Freely fluttering
into fruition within
my thorn thriving
thickets of thought.
Leaving in their ashes
a single silken sigh of serenity.


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