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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



The hustle and the bustle
Clamor of the line
All awaiting patiently
For beverage so divine

They’ll take your order quickly
Behind a gracious smile
Both the staff and furniture
Functioning with style

Write your name down on the cup
Cream or hot or iced?
Occasionally a little note
To make it extra nice

All of this is done of course
With spring in every hop
Delivering the perfect cup
Our favorite coffee shop

When I wake up I think abot this...

f – for fire that you keep inside
r – for right to share your inner light
e – for easy way to choose your side
e – for every choice is clear and bright
d – for days are full of joy and glee
o – for options pop-up constantly
m – for many paths you can explore
can you think of something more?




Still struggling
is TIME nigh\
some poet of Neo
to me the path show ...

The Devil's Brain

I am lost deep inside the Devil's brain

Makes me feel like I am so deranged

Fire is burning hot inside of my head

Turns my conscience into ashes of dread

Darkness is devouring my inner thoughts

They are tying me down with evil knots

Internal suffering from vicious pain

Stuck deep inside the Devil's brain

Mellifluous Melodies

Melodies intertwined like gold filigree,
Mellifluous melodies must they be,
Echoing within cathedral walls,
A voice from which emotion calls,

Ancient, enticing and drawing one in,
To experiences never done or places never been,
Connecting with something not known,
Something felt but not shown,

As the chants come louder and unite,
A feeling of resolution and right,
A single voice to end what always had been,
Only to hear and never seen,

To some a deeper meaning drawn,
To others a mellifluous melody gone.


Leafless limbs shiver in the wind
overlooking their departed brothers
who lie below their times at end.
They blend now with all the others.

White clouds above rush all about
displaying blue between their traces.
And mixed within the wild geese shout
while they compete as their time races.

The small stream unseen until now
chuckles down at hill's steep slope
which loosens my stern brow
putting an end to my mope.

And the winner is....

And the Winner,
who celebrated
the virgin morning's view

who selfishly snuggled
in its lew,

who bathed in its
holy sunshine,
and in all its
went through.

who sniffed with its fairies
the freshly sprayed dew,
and in its mellifluous
baritone grew grew, grew.

Mellifluous Mobility...

Mellifluous murmmerings
slightly echoing tones
rolling down the valley
but barely heard

Undercover shushing
with over the land phones
showing what to see
from the eye of the bird

Nice wired wheels, whispering
sparkling in the sun
Fat tires white walls
black rubber tread

Damned fine day, to go traveling
I'm not the only one
who's got balls
in his head


on market streets in Lagos, barefeet boys call
"Shoe-shine 3 naira"
as men in shoes walk by
boys wearing shorts and shirts
colored rags blown by the breeze
trying to tease the heat away

bata-tan boys move mountains
or pretend to be them
to get cash to buy a kit
hoping to make enough on the street
so they won't have to eat in some trash heap
they were their smiles loudly, if not proudly


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.