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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Our lips pressed briefly in a barren kiss.
Have I waited so long for this?
Yet in that kiss my dream confirmed,
A key inserted and the lock may turn.

My lips brushed close against your cheek,
So desperate for the key they seek,
But for all the dreams my lips entice
I could only whisper
"That was nice".

But now my dreams are memories,
Your red door closed despite my pleas,
My key unkeyed,
Your lock unkissed.
Have I waited so long for this!


Just close your eyes
believe me

the same dream came
on two nights in continuum

'''No imagination ''

The first part sought presence
at cremation
the second day it came to say
not to come

the family has run amuck at random
no need to come
cremation done

Words Exploding

Beginning with the alphabet
she excelled at learning,
saw letters as a mighty key
opening doors of her yearning.

connecting letter to letter
forming words of great wonder
from which to tell a story, either
lightly, or of hardened plunder.

(always a thesaurus and
dictionary at hand,
nose in reference books
trying hard to understand.)

a poet by nature
in love with the written word
she'd gather them to her
warming to all she'd ever heard.

B And E

The same night once a year, someone breaks into my house

I have tried to catch him, but he is sneaky as a church mouse

I try to stay awake to see him, try as I might, but I never do

He doesn't just break into my house but my neighbor's houses too

They say he wears a red suit has a long white beard like a coot

He is said to carry a big bag stuffed with all kinds of loot

Once I set a trap for him of cookies and milk inside a glass

Almost caught him that year, but he was way way too fast

All Is Well

Myriad thorns are my head-rest
That ejaculate pain through their fibrous roots into my blood,
Misery endows my eyes with tears
Pinches my heels and ass,
In this, I believe all is well.

On-lookers wait to sympathize
As if I’m dead
Mockers engulf my dominion
To kick my head around the corners,
In this, I believe all is well.

The Dreamscape

I have always found that
I have to reach out
To touch the dawn.
Every dreamtime moment
Is fraught with draughty memories and intermixed emotions.
Therefore I have no restful time.

I am mingling among them.
By them I mean the monstrous,
The unforgettable moments.
The angst scattered windfall times, which seek me out.
The door knocking, bell ringing,
dust banging, fist clenching
Run of the mill scenes of dread.

Love and Grief

The tears stream down his face
Puddles form.
His eyes are red and swollen
from yet another sleepless night.
He is overwhelmed,
Grief struck…
Desperate to turn back the clocks.
One more day,
One more conversation,
One more touch,
One more anything.

Quiet sobs,
Shaky breaths.

A Son is Born Where's the Sin?

Performance Is Sunny Not Sinny

This is something so unique
what all humans and animals do
through the day and night
why you call God's mission
as Sin....

May I you remind
he posted women and man of your kind
to seed population
till they rest for months nine

you seed the soil of heaven's
and spread wings of heaven
mother earth is so happy
man you are working
helping god in his duty
we are just slaves
of the night

live to enjoy
play not save

The Artist (Old Soul)

I have never been to Rome
Though I feel the worn cobble stones
Sliding beneath my feet with every step
Striding time in leaps and bounds

I turn around and retrace the footprints
I see them in the distant past
Emerging from La Grotte de Lascaux
Where resides an ancient gallery

My hands remember the feel of ochre
An echo of excoriated skin revisits my fingers
As a multitude of beasts breathe and live
In the cavern’s flickering firelight

A Concrete Jungle

A Concrete Jungle

Tantalising wolves when they’re up against the wall
Is tantamount to suicide so don’t be such a fool
Desperate people go beyond arm’s length
You’ll realise, when you victimize, a wolf, you’ll feel it’s strength

Going off the beaten path, into the unknown
Testing people’s patience, glass houses and rocks thrown
You have the patience of a prince inline to be enthroned
The wolf has even less, so leave the wolf alone


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.