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Loving you is like falling
into a dangerous snare
I'm now under siege of
the mistress of darkness
embodied with wanton
destruction of destinies
the fangs of your ill love
has left the sun a hapless
victim in a broad daylight

©®Onyinyechi Cosmos Etu


In the clear sky of unuttered complaints
She takes her morning stroll
Further than the fruit trees lining the block
Her mind takes its leave of Grenada
And the games she played there
She'd kept company with musicians
And artists. Painters and princes.
She knew the Albatross in the old days
Waited tables for the fancy French
Sat just inside an arms length from me
When her hands weren't in my pants
Handsy in the hammock with its summer sway


A wolf is
always dreaming of the sun,
a better place
somewhere to run
a wolf, sits subserviant
and with no face
as the walls of it's cage
close in
crushing, claustrophobic
waiting for something else, anything else, to happen
walking down narrow halls
every day, and every night
the same, only the same
the wolf without a name, filled with sadness and rage
enclosing upon itself

Angelic Love Ah!

I'm the essence of love and life
I commence with love
bear no grudge nor strife
all my life

You are now still awake
for a round two

Compose instant poetry
as I do
sunrise and sunset stand by
who loves to set ? all love to rise

who loves to be in blues
all love blue
heaven be with all
as romance floats like swans
heavens must welcome

love is only sublime
when poets two red wine define
then romance is like liquid gold
fountains through
like love divine...



One day closer to you
That's how I get myself through
Each day that goes by
even though I still cry
I know I'm one day closer to you

I don't know how many days it will take
But I do know that you will wait
For each day that goes by
brings me one day closer to you

I will fulfill my purpose
that I have been left here to do
Knowing each day
brings me one day closer to you


For all things exist
In their season and time
The painter and canvas
The poet and rhyme

For every soul moves
To it’s precious heart song
The dancer’s worn slippers
Conductor’s baton

Things fall in place
If you let yourself be
Devoted to prudence
You’ll find destiny

The Artist

The Artist

Paris, the city of lights
love, romance, best cafes.
Every day I look longingly
at the about to kiss couple.
Her joy in her stance
as she reaches in.
Her lover protects them
both with his umbrella.

Naughty Or Nice (December Contest)

I don't know if
you find it naughty,
but I find it nice,
Gazing into the beauty
of the quiet naked skies.

I find it nice to sneak
through the shining stars;
those to be closer
and many other afar.

I'll be stealing a look
onto the sleepy moon,
for it makes me flying
Like a musical tune.

And yes,
if you find it naughty,
I find it nice,
staring in your beauty,
not only once ,
but a million times.

Winter Blue

Enter winter here the snow comes

Covers over me with the doldrums

Outside, people having cold, fun

Inside I am alone, cold from the Sun

People eating roasted chestnuts with cheer

I am by ashes, just sitting alone right here

Drinking eggnog, waiting for Santa to appear

I am just trying to keep my sanity near

Colored lights and appetites filled with glee

Hunger and darkness are my company

I will just hibernate until winter is through

To me, winter has always been the color blue


Freedom!!! We chanted out as one,

Let the slavery of our children be ended, we say

We battled, we restricted and we conquered.

We formed our government in our castle,

ruled by ourselves for decades,

moments of ecstasy beclouded our faces,

Agriculture was at its peak,

Tolerance was at equilibrium,

We followed our religion wisely;

No religion was greater than another;

We internalized the notions of love, peace and security;

and we were our brother’s keeper.

The day our trouble began


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.