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Days of the darkened dove

But as we begin
to break down
and burn
we will wistfully
watch and learn
that in this lifeline
you’ll have to
be a
darkened dove .
Left to let go
of the one
thing you’ve
ever loved .
As you raise
your weakly
wings to fly
into the
numbing unknown
nature of
the nurturing
night sky.

Yule Tree

No chill of winter, sunny but cool
Gather a tree, there’s a week until Yule
Christmas is fine but it’s just not my thing
This dark pagan blood is what makes my heart sing

It stands in it’s corner, stiff evergreen
Wards off the spirits and sickness not seen
Enticed by the vapors of soil and sap
Black spirits distance themselves from this trap

The magick of olde, got lost in the fray
The rush and the clatter of this modern day
The lights and the twinkling rainbow array
Casting strong spells to keep hexes at bay

Winter Dreaming

There's a blizzard outside
Home alone
After dark cuddled in a blanket
On her luxurious chair with room for two

Hot chocolate with liberal brandy and marshmallows cupped in her hands
Book of the story of Layla and Qays on her lap
The hot drink lulling her and awakening her in equal measure

The velvet chocolate heat and the hit of the brandy making her feel
all marshmallowy soft with liquid heat radiating from top to toe


When God dreams next time //to him convey to tell me ///when it's my for ...what ?
Ah to dream w/o a scream...
Let him dream that the world is awarding ...
ME ..not you...nor HIM...
...he has all the world at his feet...

As he is only dreaming on my behalf ...
ask him to bless all dreamers fast ...
as they are the engines of his real love...
to enable dreamers like you to hurry fast ///
from dreamers mast ----upon awake....guys like me ///his life long smile pass ...

She Was A/The First/Redhead pt.1 by: eddy styx

"I'm bored"
said Eve to Adam,
as he scratched his head.
(absentmindedly) Stretching
his back, yawning out the words.
"What should we do today?"
She, observing his
vacuity, his lack of focus,
combed her auburn hair.
Carefully exploring
her ready options.
So they went for a swim
before they breakfasted
on nuts and berries,
milk and honey.
"Let's go for a stroll?"
taking his hand,
pulling him to his feet
(for it was not really a question)

Competition for Your Cancer

I want to bring you canned corn
and paper towels
and chocolates
and slowly to orgasm
I want a slap in the face
and a bitten lip
I want your lust
floating in the air around me
like fireflies
while you tell me it's over
that I'm a ruined wretch
and competition for your cancer
I want you to hate my body
while you fall back in love with me
and need me so bad
your world changes color
I want the sex that hangs
on the electricity between us
to happen and

back on the track

Looking back on it now
the troubled
trampled trails of truth
have finally
peeled off my
putrid pailing
parts of
the misery
molded mound
of my lonesomely
Limping lifeline.
passing through
the pity pathed
paths of pain .
Just to remain
back on the train
Treading another
trialing track .

A lovedly Composition... [for my friend].

All love to rise, it's normal
in the time of love
rising above, more than you two
thinking and loving lovely

Who is, we two? Who are you?
I merely compose the way I do

Whenever there is a challenge
we cannot pass
make sure you have class
It's all we have

I'm in the blues, loving you
in heaven when I am with the blues
love divine is no secret
it merely reads differently

Compose a lovedly poem
do it again
again, and again

Read between the lines

If you can read between the lines
You can see all of the signs
You won’t be lost for long
You’ll find where you belong
Clasping out your hands
To reach for heigh ambition
The nature of a man
Human condition
When you read between the lines
Make sure they are not fuzzy
Cos you will go down the hill
And it won’t be funny
So, when working out the words
Another’s false work
Make sure you are right
Cos falsity lurks
Food for thought
When you read what they brought
You won’t go hungry

A Hero Falls.

My chance to be a hero,
Now the hour has come,
I stand against opponents,
More than 10 to one
Tho' it seems more like ten thousand
As they close from every side
My compatriat not far away
Fear in his bloodshot eyes.
And now the enemy begins his charge
Eyes blazing wide with hate,
Feet pounding turf, lungs bursting
With the effort of his gait
Till at a few short feet away
His weapon he does blast
I see it, dodge it,
Middle stump flies 'cross the grass.


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