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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Brace yourself, it all comes down to tonight
It's time to see who came here for the toughest fight
I showed up today expecting the victory
And I'm not leaving this place until I make history

I didn't come here expecting things to be easy
Yeah I knew it wouldn't be a day on the beach when it's breezy
Get your guard up, the battle's about to get heated
Because I didn't come this far to get Defeated

Observed by Aliens

Observed by Aliens

If aliens could watch us, and let's assume this vain thought:
That we are worth watching like stocks to be bought
What would they think, and then what would they do
With a planet called Earth, that's so miniscule?

They would see a race that is cursed by the evolutionary mind
Determined to thrive but kills its own kind
Paradoxes like this are bound to astound
An alien race by which we've been found


This big quiet gallery
Within which I stand
Filled with fine artwork
Fitting a museum

Masterpiece calls me
It catches my eyes
Subliminal beauty
I am hypnotized

As I walk into
The world on the wall
Goosebumps stand tall

Alive at a concert
In crowd or on stage
Eyes closed so that I
Can see the image

Invisible, you need
to view with your ears
If you do find it
It brings you to tears

Poets All

Poets and appreciators
Prophets and acolytes
Drunks and sadists
Victims and violators alike
Sickened by secrets and
Stricken with brilliance
Are you the product or
Are you the process
What part do you play in
The sudden grace
Proper poetry elicits
We are gathered together
And anchored outside
The imperative
Utterly alone despite
Any union we attempt
Solitary in the displacement
Our perspective effects
Called upon to find a
Renewed refined and

Dear Hanh

Your eyes
Rose above the hill
So many had failed to climb
What did you find?
(your answer here, please)
Oh, dragonfly.


Coming towards the light

Wrapped in the reaming
red rustic
ribbons of right and
wrong ,but as
our lives tragically
tremble along
towards their end .
All those
thoughts begin
to brashly
bleed and blend.
Their overwhelming
oceans of
numbing neurotic
notions into
one vital
viewpoint of
Where they
rationally rush
towards their
that there’s no
need to proceed
in the fight .
As they’ve finally

Happy New Future

During a single turn of this globe,
Energy persists, unaffected, indifferent.
For universally everything is equal.
But psychologically, as people we cling to hope
for better futures;
It is the annual refreshing of endeavour.
It is the one essential driver of survival.
All matter crosses this theoretical threshold,
As the edge of time passes over,
like the dawning.It can be likened to the sweep
of mammalian hands,
Around the face of an imagined clock.
There however, is still no proof of time.

Music Of Her Life (A Challenge) for fun

Musically, she was an eclectic. Early in life, she was deeply smitten with Buddy Holly and the Crickets. At the very least, she would "Rave On." “Every day” of her life.
Of course we should not forget Johnny Cash, who "Walk(ed) The Line" with she and her father in her formative years. Leading to "Folsom Prison."

Snow Fall

The winter season, kept all of us waiting for snow,
the temperature was right for it, well below zero.
the chill factor of the wind kept me warm indoors
in my comfortable home with all of its three floors.

As the temperature fell we waited day after day
for the snow to fall which we hoped was on its way.
we hoped the rain would come any day
as we were ready to see the clouds roll away.

Holly Hopes

Dublin 1910 Children from Sean Mc Dermott St tenements Seanie, Molly, Timmy. Mary and a few of their younger friends playing truant from school as they often did, today was a special day for these poor children the first Monday in December the children of the tenements borrowed their mothers knives often the only one and gathered old coal sacks from the dirty yard that housed the even dirtier privvy shared by a dozen families that existed in each 5 storey red brick crumbling tenement.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.