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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



The tree is probably much older
than the neighborhood around it
A sage of the community
from all it has witnessed

It began life long before property lines,
homes and city codes were in place
Modern contrivances unheeded
by the tall and dignified resident

But what strikes me as well
is the fence, shared by both homes,
and the boards that were specially fitted
to accommodate the large and spreading base
of this sprawling, bark covered inhabitant

Push Me

How many times I've heard
Your best is not good enough,
That's not right it's absurd
then you say you need to be tough, you are trying to push me.
Instead of a hug when something goes wrong
Or maybe a song to ease that aching tug,
My heart is in pain
But you do it again.
Your everlasting need to push me.
Please remember I'm only a child,
My dreams are still wild,
And the pain from your past
You inflict on this lass,
But please I beg you to know

As I do

It's funny how a story starts
Without an end in mind
But most of all the power it yields;
The capability to bind
You to a single bookshelf
Until it's done and dusted
Although the memories will remain
Of that person in whom you trusted
A mistake of youth,
But the sixth sight
Will haunt you mechanically
Day and night
Alone you stand,
Quite solitary
And feign the mentality
Of a missionary
If truth be told
You're still on that page
You build yourself

Tales Of Ancient Greece : One Shot

In the distance,
Under the blazing sun,
Tied to an ancient stone altar,
Was a terrified young woman,

Her cries for help echoed,
As a tall and burly man,
With a devilish smile on his face,
Held a sacrificial dagger over his head,
Ready to plunge it deep into the hapless woman's chest,

My heart leapt in my throat,
As I had to do something,
So I readied my bow,
And steadied my arrow,
Never had I hit a mark so far away,

The mollified man

The meekly
mollified man
subtly sews
his silently
simplistic sights
upon reality’s
rickety rufescent light .
Always left
lifelessly looming
beneath the brain’s
bashfully blurred
of benevolence.
Frankly flickering out
the faded flaws
whose firm
factual flames
of effectiveness
have by now
grimly grown
out of Life’s
limp lashes
of limelight .
Solemnly swearing
their silent
silken seas
of sorrow

Undivided Focus

Don't let anything break your concentration
Ignore the haters and their suffocation
Zone in on your goal, perfect your skill
When you go for something, go in for the kill

Don't allow others to affect your dreams
Don't let them tell you what life truly means
You can't change others, but you can control you
Don't let their darkness define what you do

Push Me

I am the emperor of my empire
‘his majesty, the king’
‘her majesty the Queen’
I am the warrior in my
Life's battle-field,

I am the twilight of my dawn
and my own sky star,
the illumination that
motivates me
and the motivation that
and when there's no one
to give me a push
I tell I
"push me".

Forgive But Never Forget

Forgive the ones
who will
and have forgotten
For if you don't your
heart will
continue breaking
and never fully

Cry the tears of
on a shoulder
or by

You have the
strength in you
to once again
love and carry on.

So always forgive
but never

AFRESH Jess Ian and Bard..

Whenever jess was annoyed at me
it was always Ian
who came to wipe my tears
always had held me in high esteem

he said wait for some time
he is in jungle boots
out to shoot
avoid him a while
just smile

You know now's my time
lilies are for mummies
do also include me ..
as a loving daddy

my young bard
you will just continue
to grow
by now all know

this small bard
has surfaced above the ocean
but the surf doesn't spare anyone

For Sharon...

For Sharon...

She waited and she waited
but through the passing years
she found there was no answer
for her pain and tears

Left alone, bewildered
what did she do wrong?
He disappeared one night
"Oh God, it's been so long!"

It wasn't her, she didn't know
he just wasn't good enough
to think of how he hurt her
she was just a bit of fluff

She wasn't always on his mind
[thought about her now and again]
Always meant to call her
but the time was never then


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